Crash Into Me

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A lot had happened the last few weeks.

Bailey was now Chief Resident as Callie was fired. Callie and Rebecca had developed a great friendship. Cristina and Izzie continued to fight over being on Rebecca's service and her approval as Head of Cardio. Derek and Meredith continued sleeping together and Rebecca continued to tease Derek about it. Derek went on a date with Sydney and Rebecca teased him about that too. . . of course. What are sisters for? She knew that she was far from his type she was too jolly and happy for Derek.


Well, Mark continued to be Mark.

He flashed his signature smirk at Rebecca all the time and tried to talk to her every possible given time. She avoided him and ignored him but it was growing harder for her. No, she wasn't bad at him because of the affair. Yes, it still pissed her off. She was mad at him because seeing him made it harder to fight her feelings.

The last few weeks had also shown how in need of more attendings the Cardio Department was. So, Rebecca and Richard decided that two new attendings for the department would be extremely beneficial. After looking into so many Cardio surgeons they decided on Erica Hahn and Patrick Roberts to join the Cardio Department of Seattle Grace.

Today was Erica Hahn's first day and Patrick Roberts would be joining in a couple weeks time due to an extremely important case he had to finish before moving to Seattle.


That morning Mark was announcing to the interns that he had a patient named Nick Hanscomb who he had removed a large carotid body tumour from his neck and he need all interns and residents to be alert as the artery could possibly burst.

While Mark was making his announcement Callie and Rebecca was walking into the hospital ready to start their shift  with coffee in both of their hands they were laughing after bringing to light the events of the previous night, long deep talks and many tequilas later was not a good idea.

"So, drinks later at Joe?" Callie asked as finished sipping on her coffee and continued walking the catwalk.

"After last night I should be responsible and say no." Callie's expression instantly dropped and she was instantly ready to give a million reasons why it was a good idea, but Rebecca beat her to it. "However, I have a new attending joining today and despite being an excellent surgeon I have been told she is hard work to deal with so . . . Yes. Definitely a drink later" Rebecca continued instantly a smirk appearing on her face after seeing Callie with a bright smile and a thumbs up.

"We can continue on our Mark Sloan conversation that you were so eager to avoid last night" Callie continued given Rebecca a nudge to the arm and making the woman turn and give her an unimpressed look before answering

"I was not. Nothing is with Sloan and I it's long gone. . . That ship has sailed, my friend" Rebecca muttered in a loud whisper leaning closer to her new friend and trying her best to what she was saying sound half true.

"Yea I'm definitely not convinced" Callie said walking away from Rebecca smugly before turning around and saying "See you at lunch Becca, if you see McSteamy don't stare it's wired and obvious. . ."

"What! I don't st- Callie!!" Rebecca shouted trying to grab Callie's attention but she continued walked away with her back facing Rebecca and a laugh across her lips.

An ambulance had crashed into another ambulance in the ambulance bay as one of the drivers had a seizure and lost control of the vehicle. It resulted in 4 paramedics injured with 2 extremely critical as they were in the vehicle when it flipped and they were now stuck in the upside down ambulance.

Love isn't Always Enough ~ Mark Sloan Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum