Haunt you Every Day

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Rebecca was sitting on the sofa talking with Maya about her day in school while Naomi was cooking dinner when her phone rang.

She instantly got up to answer it


"Becca! It's Richard Webber"

"Oh, Richard it's been so long. How are you?"

"Well, I'm great despite the fact I'm a cardio surgeon down."

"Well I'm sure Burke will be more than capable to handle one Cardio surgoen down. Anyway, how is Adele?"

"Yeah Yeah Adele is great... Well it's Burke I'm down"

"What?!" she shouted from the other side of the line "Why? He's the reason that Seatle Grace had a great Cardio department"

"Well, I'll not going to bore you with gossib" She instantly frowed. Who didn't like gossib, right? "I want to keep the standard of the Cardio department..."

Not letting him finish she said "Ah that great spirit Ritchard! Anyway how is Seattle, still raining?"

"Rebecca! I'm trying to offer you the job as Head of Cardio"

"What... Head of Cardio ... in Seattle!!"

"Well, yes! I know your ability. To be fair I did teach you well even though you decided not to go into General, but..." she rolled her eyes from the other side before a smile appeared thinking back to her residency days.

"I need you and your abilities Becca. Come to Seatlle. See how it goes and we will talk then"

"Richard, the question is can you afford me. Being one of the top Cardio surgeons comes with a multiple zero check"

Richard chuckled before saying "I'm aware, see you soon Becca"

She smiled as the line cutt truing back to Naomi who did not hear anything of the conversation.

"I just got offered Head of Cardio"

Naomi ran from the kitchen squealing as she brought her best friend into a massive hug.

"In Seattle Grace"

Naomi's face instantly dropped. Realising she might loose her best friend.

Few weeks later a lot had happened.

Addison had moved to LA to work at the practice meaning it created time for the two to regain their friendship and her and Rebecca was closer than ever. Rebecca finally realised that she could not blame Addison for Derek not answering her calls. That was on him. And with the job offer from Richard leading her to Seattle in a few days she could actually get some answers from him.

Naomi was taking it the hardest as the thought of Becca moving across the states was awful. However, she understood that Becca could not just instantly turn down Head of Cardio she had to check it out.

She had just finished at the hospital for a couple weeks as her flight for Seattle was in the morning. Addison and Naomi was helping her pack.

"Does it really constantly rain like look at my wardrobe. I live in LA it's filled with summer clothes." Becca said sitting on the edge of her bed looking into her wardrobe that was mostly filled with designer clothes.

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