Kung Fu Fighting

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Rebecca was standing in the hospital reception filling out paper work when Richard approached her "Still haven't got an answer for me Shep?"

She raised her head from her paper work "It's a big decision Richard I have a life in LA, a pretty good one in fact". 

"I know, I know. When are you heading back to LA?"

"My flight leaves tomorrow morning, so you will have an answer by tonight. Despite, I practically have made up my mind already. I'm using today to see if I made the right choice".

"What's your decision at the moment?" he asked but before she could answer Derek approached. 

"Good morning Becky" he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed her a coffee. 

"Someone is in a good mood today. Are you and Meredith back together?" She said in a hopeful tone despite not knowing Meredith well, she knew how much she meant to Derek. 

"No, why would you think that?" Derek said confused. 

"Because she is the only one who can put a smile on that miserable face of yours". 

Before he could respond Mark approached "Morning people." a coffee in hand and his signature Sloan smirk. 

"Well I'll see you later" Derek said before he and Mark left. Mark gave Becca a smile and she just turned away back to her paper work. 

"Well, I'll look forward for an answer this evening Shep. Go save some lives!" Richard said before leaving the woman to carry on with her paper work.


Izzie Stevens was on Rebecca's service today and she wasn't looking forward to hit. She had heard all about Stevens and O'Malley's affair and she knew what it was like to be cheated on so she could only feel sorry for what Callie was going through. Despite still haven't crossed paths with Dr. Torres she wanted to make sure that they met before she headed back to LA. She knew that how hard it was and nobody can't understand that pain unless they have experienced it themselves. 

She was starting a surgery she had done multiple times, threading a catheter up the patients leg to the heart. 

Izzie was to her left watching over her work "Now, the trick is to envision the artery like a spaghetti noodle. Pliable, but not too fragile" she explained to Izzie. 

The chief's voice entering the room with a "Good morning" was unexpected for Rebecca.

"Twice in one morning chief, to what do I owe the pleasure" she said continuing with her work. "Well, I was just checking in and wondering if an answer was decided for me yet?"

She rolled her eyes before saying "Like I said this morning Richard you will have an answer for your offer this evening."

Izzie instantly looked towards Rebecca confused saying "You haven't accepted Head of Cardio here yet, why not? This hospital needs you, you're amazing and an excellent teacher. I need you".

Before she could respond the monitors started beeping causing all three doctors to look and Rebecca to ask Izzie "You see that?"

The intern responded "It's a blockage. The lest main coronary artery. It's totally closed off" she said sadly. 

Rebecca continued saying quickly as she was getting alert  "There's no way I'm getting a stent in there. We're gonna have to open him up" preparing herself to begin the procedure before the monitors began beeping with Izzie adding "BP's dropping to 58 over 20" and Richard adding "Oh, his heart's racing".

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