Sixth Day, Part 4

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"When I take a look at you all, I see a messy school binder." King is seated on a large chair facing a couch where Donald and his fiance are sitting while Ms. Briar takes her spot on a rocking seat. The bag filled with Eda's elixirs sits on the table between them.

"A binder filled to the brim with different subjects. Old worksheets and scrap paper that serve no purpose. And yet we keep trying to cram whatever notes we have thinking it could help but all we do is make it worse. Do we just throw the binder away and get a new one? Or do you sit down and organize it?"

The three all look at each other inquisitively before Donald clears his throat and says, "What are you talking about exactly?"

"I'm saying what you all are struggling with is communication. Take it from me," King points to himself, "I once struggled in speaking my mind and because of that my hesitation nearly led to the fallout in a relationship between two girls and the destruction of the entire town."

"Er, what now?"

"Wait a minute," Ms. Briar narrows her eyes, "Are you talking about that freak giant slime attack a couple of days ago? You were involved in that?"

"Do you even have a license to practice these types of sessions?" Donald asks.

"I bet he has a PhD in being a cutie," mused the wife.

"Enough about me." King snaps his fingers to them. "This is about you three. We all agreed to hear each other out and to settle the issue once and for all. Donald, you came here to talk to your mother about something. Why don't you start us off?"

"I don't understand why we have to set it up like this but at least we're talking." Donald turns to his mother and clears his throat again, "I just want to know what's been going on, mom. When I told you about us getting married I thought you were happy for us. But now all of a sudden you tried to curse my wife in some elaborate setup that ended up destroying a local favorite of mine. Which we had to compensate for! I don't understand, what's been going on with you?"

King nods approvingly, "Well said, Daryl."

"It's Donald."

"Don't care," King looks at Ms. Briar and gestures to her. "Now, Ms. Briar. It is your turn to say your piece. What is it that you want to confess?"

Ms. Briar looks to King for a moment then looks over to her son and his fiance, back at King again, then back to the couple.

"... I hate your wife," she says.

"Oh!" the fiance gasps.

"And your dumb face!"

"Mother!" Donald cries.

"Now, now," King settles them down. "We all agreed to withhold our words until the person is done talking. Ms. Briar, would you like to explain why exactly you feel that way?"

Ms. Briar softens her expression and averts her eyes while fiddling with her thumbs. "Well... I was happy. For you two. But... ever since you got engaged, I hardly ever see you. We don't have brunch together no more. You barely answer my calls. I was just afraid... that you don't need me anymore. You're starting a new life with someone and I... didn't want to be left behind. So I... sort of started blaming your fiance for everything."

Donald and his fiance look at each other in surprise. Both at a loss for words at the revelation. "That's what this is about? Oh, mom." Donald reaches over and comfortingly pats her knee. "I never mean to leave you behind. It's just we've been so busy trying to set up the wedding, find a new place, and work extra hours to make up for the payments. I didn't want to worry you with that sort of stuff but I guess I ended up just pushing you away, huh? I should've tried to set some time aside for you. In fact, she was just telling me that I haven't been in contact with you in a while and suggested I take some time off."

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