A small Nap

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Nobody's POV
"What time is it?" Sanji asked.

"About 2pm, why?" Zoro responded taking his hand off of sanji's head.

"Well it's pretty much lunch time and we're sitting in bed."

"So? It's not that big of a deal plus the kitchen is on the other side of the ship there's no point in walking out in the rain just to go make lunch, plus I highly doubt any of us are hungry." Zoro said. He mostly just wanted to stay in bed, though he wasn't lying he wasn't hungry.

"True..I guess we can stay" Sanji said standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go change real quick because I'm soaked." Sanji said opening a closet and picking out clothes. He picked out a baggy blue T-shirt and some thin grey pants. He walked away to go change leaving zoro alone in the room.
"I guess I should probably change to-" zoro thought. So he also got up and took off his robe then hung it up to dry. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a pear of pants. Sanji walked back in the room and saw zoro standing there shirtless. It didn't concern him in any way considering zoro doesn't usually wear shirts.
Sanji sat on the bed and had his back against the wall wrapping himself with a blanket. It started to rain harder as Zoro sat down next to Sanji, grabbing the blanket from him.

"Hey! What was that for?! Give it ba-" Sanji was cut off as Zoro grabbed him and pulled him over to his lap and made him sit between his legs. Then he set the blanket to where it was covering both of them. Sanji started blushing a bit as Zoro wrapped one of his arms around him, grasping his waist so he couldn't move. And using the other arm to hold the blanket up.

Sanji was speechless, but he dealt with it. He leaned his head onto Zoros shoulder facing his neck. Zoro moved the arm that was holding the blanket and placed it onto the other side of Sanji's waist, holding him like a book. Soon enough Sanji was close to sleeping while listening to the rain fall.

Zoro was a bit surprised when Sanji didn't fight him. But he was comfortable that's for sure. He didn't wanna let go of him, though eventually he would have to. So he enjoyed the moment and lifted one arm up, placed it on sanji's head and started slowly running his fingers through his hair.

A few hours pass by
It had stopped raining, Zoro and Sanji were half asleep on the same position they were in a few hours ago. Sanji broke the silence by saying, "It stopped raining, what now?"

"We could go to the kitchen and just do whatever I don't know" Zoro replied.

"Fine by me" Sanji said, he was planning on making hot chocolate anyway. He also had to begin dinner since they had skipped lunch.
"You've gotta get up if we wanna go." Zoro said getting annoyed.
"I can't." Sanji said
"What do you mean you can't?"

"Your arm is wrapped around my waist."
Zoro looked down at his arm, which was indeed wrapped around Sanji.
"Um..sorry I guess." Zoro said lifting up his arm as Sanji got up. He didn't answer and just walked out of the room as Zoro followed him. When They walked into the kitchen zoro sat down at the table while Sanji started boiling some water. He left the pot on the stove and walked over to sit next to zoro.

"So, do you ever plan on telling the crew that we're starting to get along?" Sanji asked.

"Not really.. just notice how we only get along when they're not around" Zoro stated.

"True..I guess we're keeping it a secret, plus if we continue saying we're not getting along then they'll keep leaving us alone together." Sanji said.

"That would be nice except I don't want to lie." Zoro said a bit disappointed

"Well.., it wouldn't necessarily be lying considering we don't get along when there around anyway." Sanji said with a smile.

"I guess you have a point..also your water is bubbling" Zoro said.

"Oh shoot your right it is-" Sanji replied getting up and walking fast over to the pot. He turned down the stove and continued making hot cocoa.
A few minutes pass by and sanji turns around to find zoro asleep. He sets the two cups of hot cocoa on the table and sits down next to him. "Oi moss head, wake up." Sanji said as Zoro opened his eyes.

"Huh—? Oh thanks." Zoro said Grabbing the cup, he noticed sanji's bandaged hands.

"Uhh, hey cook what happened to your hands? those bandages weren't there before" he asked.

"Oh well while the water was bubbling I didn't realize that is was also spilt, so when I touched the counter I also touched the boiling water." The cook said looking at his hand. Zoro grabbed sanji's hand and took a closer look at it.
"Ow— moss head what are you doing??" Sanji asked.
"Taking a closer look at your hand." Zoro said unwrapping part of the bandages.
"Yeah, that's gonna last about a week or 2 but the pain should go away in about 1-3 days." Zoro said.

"How did you figure that out-?" Sanji asked

"Just by spending time around chopper, he was talking about Burns and stuff." Zoro said wrapping the bandages back around his hand.

Alone on the ship -Zosan- (Long story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon