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Nobodys POV "Zoro go wake up sanji I'm hungryyyy" Luffy said in a whiny tone. It annoyed Zoro when he whined so he walked over to the room where sanji was sleeping, opened the door and looked at him. He's not annoying when he's sleeping. He thought, Zoro got irritated very easily considering he had dranken a lot the night before. He wasn't drunk, just irritated.

"Oi Shitty cook wake up the captains hungry". Sanji groaned while slowly sitting up. He rubbed is eyes and looked up at Zoro confused on why he was the one waking him up. He didn't bother to ask why because he was aware talking to him would piss him off more then it would if he didn't drink the entire wine supply.

Sanji got up and walked out of the room and into the kitchen and was greeted by Usopp.

"Good morning sanji!" Sanji smiled and then looked at Usopp who was repairing a kitchen utensil which seemed to be broken. "How did that happen?" He said curiously. Usopp was just relieved he wasn't angry. Chopper was trying to find a certain ingredient for a new medicine he was working on, and he was to short to reach it so he fell over and knocked down the the dish wrack. Luckily there were no dishes on it.

Sanji looked at chopper who had a bandage on his head and looked sad. "Sorry Sanji I didn't mean to.." he said feeling bad for what he did. Sanji walked over to chopper and patted his head

"it's ok just ask for help next time". Chopper jumped up and hugged him while repeating his apology. "Chopper I said it's ok-" the cook said slightly losing his balance.

Zoro watched from a distance as the cook was being tackled by a crying raccoon dog begging for forgiveness that was already given to him. He walked over to the table and sat down a few seats away from usopp. Sanji took chopper off him and set him down. "Chopper for the last time it's ok, Usopp is fixing it". He walked away and started it cooking. Which pretty much summoned Luffy. He barged through the door and sat down chanting "Meat! Meat! Meat!". "I'm working on it." Sanji said in a chill tone.

A few minutes later Sanji had prepared a large breakfast for the whole crew. The rest of the crew had came in and sat down. And as usual Sanji gave both the ladies there food first. "Here you go robin my dear" he said in a loving tone. He set a plate down in front of nami that came with a fancy drink. "Enjoy Nami my love" but then he unexpectedly gave Zoro his plate next. Nobody thought anything of it though.

After everyone ate, the ship was stopped at an island. The island looked pretty nice, had a good amount of shops and markets. Sanji was planning on leaving the ship until Robin came up to him asking if he and zoro could watch the ship. "Sanji, this island may look very nice and innocent, but there are multiple ship bandits who steal pirate ships of well known pirates and sell them on the black market" Sanji obviously agreed, but when zoro heard he knew that was just an excuse for him and sanji to stay on the ship and get along.

"But I need to get more supplies and moss head is gonna need more booze, and-" the cook was cut off by Usopp and franky. "We got you covered man!" Franky said in the voice that makes him seem extremely confident. "I know what kinds of seasonings and vegetables you like and franky knows about the types of booze zoro likes" Usopp said. "I'm trusting you guys with the sunny so don't let me down, though I don't expect you will" he smiled and pulled his sun glasses closer to his eyes.

They all walked off the ship. Which left zoro and sanji. Alone.

Alone on the ship -Zosan- (Long story)Where stories live. Discover now