Day 5: Art

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Dear diary,

Remember that Butter Pretzel girl we were talking about yesterday? Well, I kinda feel like talking about her in this entry. Let's talk!

Just lately, we found out on the news about the Cookie that was guilty for stealing Butter Pretzel's artwork: the one and only CHILI PEPPER COOKIE!

Since she's notorious (gosh, I'm so glad I learned that word in school! I feel so powerful using it.) for stealing Cookies' stuff a lot, I easily knew it was her.

While Pop thought the same as me, Pawn Black had a feeling it wasn't so obvious-maybe it was someone else? Knowing that I guessed right and my smart-as-can-be twin thought wrong makes me so happy! Sorry, Pawn Black.

Now we're on round 2, and I think it's Rockstar Cookie because 1) Whipped Cream Cookie said he heard music even after the rehearsal, and Strawberry told Walnut Cookie, the detective who's-get this!-only a few years older than me and Pawn Black, that she heard a commotion while "taking a relaxing walk." What a way with words!

Here's something cool about Butter Pretzel: she made up a new way to make art-by painting with butter! She likes to use her butter and icing really rough. So rough, that Cookies say it's overwhelming! Apparently, she used to have a tough life until Cheesecake Cookie, the richest rich one in Richland with all the riches, started buying her stuff! Now our friend Butter Pretzel is more well known!

Anyways, Pop and Butter Pretzel first met one day in high school. They actually met in art class! Later, when the artist found out her friend was gonna work at a hotel, she thought that he could display her masterpieces at there. I really want that to happen, so the Hotel can be even more pretty!

Also, a funny thing is that when Butter Pretzel visits us, she blushes sometimes when seeing Pop. I wonder if she'll be our Ma? I sure hope so!

Wait...I just remembered something.

Butter Pretzel is coming to visit tomorrow! She even said she'll have a surprise for Pop. I can't wait! But, what exactly will it be? Stay tuned tomorrow to find out!

Pawn White Cookie

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