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(The italics are memories)

Richelle's Perspective:

"Who're you talking to, Noah?" I asked. It was purely of innocent intent, but your eyes still caught a cold fire.

"Nobody," you said. "Just a new friend, nothing to worry about."

I laughed, "why would I be worried, Noah? Are you hiding something?"

You slammed your computer face down and stared at me, never blinking. "No, I'm not hiding anything," you said, almost in a snap. "Why would you think that?"

"No reason, I was joking." And I was. But now I was worried. Were you hiding something from me? I brushed it off as nothing in the moment, sure you would tell me if something was up. I was wrong; you told me nothing.

I played dumb for so long, I couldn't do it anymore.

I'll never forget the look in her eyes. Brown and guilty. I'd caught you talking to her again. The fourth time that week I'd caught you telling "little white lies." They weren't little, they weren't white, but they sure as hell were lies.


"What are you guys doing?" I asked as I walked into the juice bar. I went there just to get a strawberry and banana smoothie, maybe something to bring home for you. You told me that you were sick, but there you were, laughing and smiling with her. A glow on your face that I'd never seen, I could never make you illuminate like that. No matter how much I wished to.

"Nothing," you mumbled, dragging out the 'g' like a whining toddler. It was almost like you were annoyed with me, sick of me.

"We're just, uh.." Jacquie hesitated. "Talking about my cat, his name is Lucifer, after the one from Cinderella. He looks like him too."

"Yeah, Lucifer," you agreed. You never looked up from your smoothie. Not a reassuring glance, not a kind smile, nothing. I hated it. That moment was the first time I'd felt a speck of hate for you, deep inside my heart, taking up the space where some of my love used to go.

The second that we broke up, you ran to her. To her beautiful face, much better than mine. You always gravitated towards her. You told me that the unexplained absences and missing date nights were because of your friend. Doesn't look like that anymore.

I got my explanations when we ended it. You told me before that day that I was your only. You told me that I was the only one you thought beautiful. You told me that you didn't like her that way. You betrayed me.

And I know that you'll never feel sorry. The hurt you caused me, you'll never care.

A month ago, I sat on my bathroom floor weeping with regret that I'd let you do this. I loved you still, even then, when I knew that you were talking to her. We were together, I thought we were happy. It was all a twisted game, wasn't it?

When you brought her to the studio, showing her off like a trophy, I smiled, my teeth gritted behind my tight lips. I gave you my support, my permission, because I felt like I had no other choice. That didn't give you a right to break me.

"W-what? You're breaking up with me?" I stumbled across the hardwood floor, gripping the table to keep myself upright. I felt like that ground was shaking underneath me. I was trying to get to you, to look you in the eye.

"Yes.. I think that we're better off as friends." he said calmly. Calmly.

"Friends?" I asked. I was in shock. After two years of being in a relationship, he wanted to go back to being friends? But that reminded me of something else.

"Oh, friends.." I mumbled. "Like you and Jacquie.. used to be?"

"That's not what this is about, Riche. I don't like Jacquie." The coldness in your blue eyes and the way you touched your neck confirmed my realisation.

You were leaving me for Jacquie.

2 weeks went by after that day. And when I saw her post on Instagram saying that you were an item, I wasn't surprised. I always knew. You always talked to her. Maybe did even worse.

There was no way that you could've fallen in love with someone that quickly. You were in love with her long before.

You didn't cheat. But you're still a traitor.

A traitor who said that he loved me. I said that I loved you back. Did you meet her before we started dating? Or after? Was any of us even real? I thought so at the time, now I wasn't really sure.

"You're asking me out Noah?" I was in shock; I felt my heart speed up and my breath start to quake. 'Noah,' I thought. 'Noah just asked me out.' I'd had a crush on you for years, but never believed that you would like me back. You were you, I was me, and I was nothing compared to any of your other girlfriends.

"Yeah.." It was cute that you were nervous; I knew asking girls out had to be your speciality. You made me feel special, before we'd even said yes. Before I even said yes to a date.

A wide smile grew on my face. "Pick me up at 7:00."

I heard the gust of air as I walked away and I pictured you pumping your fist in victory.

You picked me up 2 hours later, at 7:00 on the dot. You had a pink lily in your hand, knowing me well enough to expect that I wouldn't like roses. We went to my favourite restaurant and you payed, ordering me my favourite dessert before I even had to ask.

Was that fake? Did you fall out of love with me?

"I'm sure, Noah," I whispered.

You brought your lips down on mine lightly, I never doubted it once. Not when we began, not after. I knew that you loved me.

But when your phone rang in the morning, the moment turned sour. I asked you who it was and you avoided my question like always, kissing me again until I forgot.

The memories came back.

When she's sleeping in that bed with you, don't you dare forget this.

Maybe you should have thought all of this through before I fell in love with you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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