Before You Go

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Richelle's Perspective:

It was a late, late night. Raining, thunder crashing. A stereotypical awful, scary night. But I loved it. Rain was fun, I loved being out in the weather when it was like that, unlike most people. I loved hearing the drops on the window if I wasn't outside, it was the most calming sound, and gave me the mist peaceful feeling. The thunder was a nice touch, watching it was like a movie of your own from your window.

I was lying with my legs underneath me on our couch, cuddling into the cushions. I'd put on Friends a while ago, and was mindlessly staring at the screen. Putting on my comfort show was distracting me from crying, which was exactly what I needed right now.

Noah was leaving today, packing up his things in the other room. He'd left me with the apartment after the breakup, so he was moving out.

It was a mutual breakup, both of us knew that it was what needed to happen. We'd been dating for 4 years, and both felt like our relationship had run its course. Nothing was exciting anymore, everything was just the same, and we both felt like it was time to let go, and try something new.

But that didn't make it any less heartbreaking. We'd spent nearly every day together for the past 4 years, we knew each other so well, it was going to be so different. When you have someone that was such a big part of your life, you don't want to live life anymore without them.

I knew that it was the best thing for both of us, it was just so hard. Not waking up next to him everyday, not having him here, was already so difficult. I didn't want it to become a routine.

He'd been staying at his mom's house for the past couple of weeks, until he found an apartment to rent. He'd just found one, hence why he was here right now.

Letting him in today to the apartment that used to be ours...was very difficult today. It felt to odd to hear him knock on the door, because he always used to have a key. It wasn't awkward between us, we were being civil and kind to each other. It was just...weird. I missed the old days.

I missed when I would come home late from work, on nights like this when I was miserable, and he would be here. I would go straight to the bedroom and bury my face in the pillow, but he would come and sit beside me, and rub my back, sensing something was wrong. He would be there for me, and comfort me. Now he couldn't.

Having him here, in the next room, and not being able to hug him, kiss him, was torture. Sadness and longing raked through my body. All I wanted was to rush into the next room and see him, but I held myself back. If I did that, it might have consequences. And I didn't want to make things worse between us.

If things were ever not civil between us, if I couldn't still have him in my life, even as a friend, I don't think I'd be able to deal with it. It would be absolutely terrible not to have him in my life at all, after all we've been through.

I decided against my better judgment, got up, and made it to our—my room. I stood outside the doorframe and watched him work.

He was sorting all of his clothes into his big, black suitcase, which wasn't that much of a feat, seeing as his clothes were folded nicely in the drawers previously. Mine, however, were in heaps all over the apartment. I was an extremely messy person, but he never seemed to mind.

The expression on his face was almost the same as mine. Longing, but restrict. "Hey, Noah." I mumbled.

He instantly turned around and smiled at me, but it wasn't an overall happy smile. More of a painful one. "Hey," he said, his voice cracking slightly. He recovered from it quickly, asking how I was, but I still noticed.

"I'm okay. As good as can be expected in this situation I guess." I answered.

"Yeah, same here." Then he finished putting the last article of clothing in. A sweater, that I got him last Christmas. He zipped up his suitcase, and turned to me again. "I guess I'd better get going."

"Probably." I followed him out of the door, picking up his coat and holding it out for him as he got his shoes on. "Noah?"


"Just one thing before you go." I started. "Can I have a hug?"

I felt the tears start to come back as he leaned in to hug me goodbye. I tasted salt as I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. Noticing he was shaking, I held him tighter, not ever wanting to let him go.

"I love you, Riche." Noah said against my head.


"I love you. I probably always will." he repeated.

"I love you too. But you should probably go now." I leaned away from him and opened the door, sobbing.

"Okay. Goodbye, Riche." Then he left. And I was alone again. For good this time, because he wasn't coming back.

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