Promposal Surprise

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Noah's Perspective:

I'm outside Studio A in the hallway. I'm slightly nervous for what I'm about to do, but I know Jacquie will be so, so happy. And that's all I'm asking for.

I'm going to sing a song for her, an acoustic version of the song I did at the open mike night when I was about 14. Hopefully I've improved a bit since then. I know she'll love this Promposal, it's really romantic and sweet.

Walking in with my guitar in my hand, I see Jacquie on the bench. She's sitting next to Richelle and Summer, just sipping water, not suspecting anything. Perfect.

Her gaze focuses solely on my as soon as I'm noticed. I put my leg up to brace my guitar and just start singing.

Her face lights up. It's amazing, watching her smile like that and knowing that I'm the reason for it. I keep singing, putting so much heart into it. I can't help it, it's for her.

And suddenly, I'm not looking at Jacquie. I'm not looking at something else in the room, I'm looking at an entirely different person.

This person is looking at me, probably even more intensely that Jacquie did. Staring really intently at me, her head's nodding along with the music.

When it gets to the part that I remember she used to like, her eyes look like they're smiling, but her mouth doesn't move. I can tell she's forcing a smile to stay away. Why would she be doing that? Why was she purposely trying to keep a smile away?

I know that she loves the song. How could she not? The truth is, but I wrote it about her. When I was 14, I had a really big crush on her that inspired this song. Somehow, she found out about it—James must've told her—so I ended up singing it to her. I'd never seen a person's face filled with that much joy until that day. So why wouldn't she be smiling now?

I'm so lost in thought that I don't even realize when I'm done the song. Jacquie stands up and looks at me, and it takes me a while to get out of my daze. Once I'm out of it, I make the biggest possible mistake that I could've ever made.

"Will you go to prom with me, Richelle?"

I clasp my hands around my mouth when I realize what I said. The whole room gasps. I look at Jacquie, and realize she's really, really hurt by what I just said.

"Oh my gosh! Jacquie, I—"

"Save it, Noah." she snaps, darting out of the room. I go to follow her, but I'm so unsure of what to say. I don't know how I'm going to fix this.

Richelle's Perspective:

Jacquie rushes out of the room and Noah follows her right away. Now everyone's staring at me. I'm still in shock. Did that really just happen?

Noah just promposed to Jacquie. But he said my name.

Why would he have said my name if he was promposing to Jacquie? Jacquie's his girlfriend. I'm just his friend, and sometimes it doesn't even feel like that's true.

Especially when he sang that song to her. That's my song, he wrote it for me, and he sings it to her?

I was trying so hard not to smile at the lyrics, even though I love them, because he wasn't promising to me. It wasn't my moment. It was Jacquie's. Then he said my name.

I still can't get over the fact. I probably shouldn't be getting so worked up over this. It meant nothing. Right? I hope so. If Noah said my name on purpose, I don't know what I'll do.

For starters, we're both dating people. Other people. And never mind Elliot for a second, but Jacquie was right there. She witnessed the whole thing. I can't even begin to imagine what she's feeling right now.

If Elliot had just done the same thing to me, I'd be completely heartbroken. I don't blame her for rushing out and refusing to talk to Noah, he completely deserved it.

"Richelle? Do you know what that was about?" Amy asks, breaking me out of my trance.

"No." I mutter. "I have no idea."

"Are you sure? Because if there's something going on between you two that we should know about—" Henry starts, but I cut him off.

"There's absolutely nothing. I really don't know what just happened. I don't know why he said my name..."

"And you're positive? Like he's definitely not cheating on Jacquie with you?" Finn asks.

I'm absolutely appalled. "Excuse me? First of all, I do not like Noah. Second of all, Jacquie's my friend, I wouldn't do that to her. And 3rd of all, I have a boyfriend! So don't accuse me of such awful things!"

"Well what else are we supposed to think?!" Kenzie yells. It then turns into a full fledged argument between the whole of A Troupe—excluding Noah and Jacquie, who are God knows where.

Emily and Michelle come out of their office running. Great, now the Studio Heads are involved. "Woah, woah, what is going on here?!" Emily shouts.

Piper explains what happened in short term, leaving out the part where I'd already been questioned. "Richelle, did you know about this?" Michelle asks kindly.

Right. I've officially lost it. "For the last freaking time! I did not cheat with Noah! I have no idea what that was about! Trust me, I thought he was singing to Jacquie just as much as you guys did! And I was just as surprised as you guys were! So stop questioning me, I had nothing to do with this! It was Noah!"

"You're right. It was me." Noah whispers from the side of the room. I didn't even notice him come in. "I'm sorry for causing all of this drama. It was a really big mistake. You guys don't need to be worried. But, Richelle, could I speak to you in Studio 1 for a minute?"

I nod slowly. I should probably hear him out. Plus, I want to know what's going on here. Once we're in there, he turns to look at me.

The thing he says first is the last thing I would've ever expected to come out of his mouth. "I broke up with Jacquie."

"You what?!" He what?! Why?

"I broke up with her."

"Why, Noah? Why would you break up with her if you were just promposing to her?"

"Because. I wasn't looking at her when I promposed. I was looking at you. I wasn't thinking about her when I promposed. I was thinking about you. I didn't say her name for a reason. I said yours. I meant yours."

Huh? I'm so, so confused right now. And then, something else happens. He kisses me.

The kiss is awesome. Everything I ever hoped for when I was little. Everything I could've hoped for from a kiss now.

When we pull away, I wish that it never ended. "I have to go." I sputter.

"What? Why?"

"I have to go break up with Elliot."

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