Driver's License

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Jacquie's Perspective:

I'm driving home with a broken heart. I went to the studio today because I'm back in town from my tour, and saw the last thing I ever would've expected to happen.

Noah and Richelle kissing. I mean, I knew that Noah would move on from me, I broke up with him, but I never expected it to be with Richelle.

I understand, I really do, and I want him to be happy. But it's sad. I'm sad.

I pass the sign that we pointed out on our first date. We laughed about it then, but now it makes me want to cry. Because he's not laughing with me anymore. He's laughing with her.

It bugs me that they're together now. I always kind of thought that they would be. Every time Noah and I would do a duet, I would see one of theirs and notice the difference in the chemistry. Every time we would win something, he would hug her first, not me.

The one time that he chose me over her was when Richelle was emotionally stiff in the duet for the competition, but they still ended up doing the duet, and winning. They probably did better that we ever would've.

I was always jealous of her. Her dancing is incredible, better than mine a lot of the time. She's so much prettier than I am. Older too, and that's why guys like. Everything about her made me insecure about myself. She always stole everything from me. Now she has him too.

Richelle and I were almost best friends when I left the studio. As much as I want to save that friendship, it's going to be really hard. And as much as I still want to be close with Noah, I don't see how that's possible right now.

They didn't do anything wrong. Believe me, I wish they did, because then I found blame them. But I can't, because it's not their fault. It's mine.

I never wanted to break up with Noah. I did because I cared about him too much to tie him back. He needed to go, and I couldn't stop him.

But it made me miserable how easily he let go of me. How easily he started dating her. I still haven't moved on, but he clearly has.

And then I drive past his house. So many memories. Even driving has a trigger for memories. I just got my drivers license.

We would always talk about this happening, as soon as he got his, I wanted mine. He told me about all of the tests, helped prepare me. We always talked about the date that I would take him in when I got it. Now that date will never happen.

Everything that we did, everything that we were, and he let it go so easily. I don't know how I could ever love someone else, but he does.

Our relationship had so many ups and downs, but it was perfect to me. I had never felt that way about anyone before. How was he perfectly fine without me, because I sure as heck wasn't fine without him.

He wrote so many songs about me that made me think that I was everything to him. I guess he didn't mean it as much as I thought he did.

Now he's probably writing songs about her. And they probably mean more.

Then I drive past all the lights and the stop signs on the way to my house. Even more memories.

I still freaking love him. But he doesn't feel the same way anymore. He loves Richelle now.

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