Thugs vs The Dark Rose

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Ruby POV

After a bit or walking I finally made into the city of Vale, I walked down the street. I looked around seeing a dust store open, I smile as I walked up to the store dust soon walking inside. I meet with an old man bowing politely as I simply smile and waved, soon starting to look and walk around the store.

I soon found a area filled with comics, I happily grabbed a comic and started to read it. I then heard the store door open, but I kept my attention in the comic book in my hands. I kept reading the comic as I suddenly felt a hand tab my shoulder " Hm? " I turned around seeing a person in a ridiculous suit, hat, and red shades. He held a sword at me, the sharp end only inches away from my neck.

" I said put your hands in the air. " He said annoyingly " Are you... Rubbing me? " I asked as I tighten my fist as I felt my that growing power from within. " Yes! " He said moving the blade closer "ah." I said I open my hand and quick punched him back.

Soon another ran up to me getting ready to attack, I quickly ran up to him and kicked him, sending me and him out the window. I rolled and the ground  stopping on my knee, I slowly get up as the air turned cold soon forming stasis crystals around me. I looked at the now broken window seeing the leader a couple of others surrounding him " Okay? " The leader said as he looked at the others " Get her. "

Soon the rest rush out as they surrounded me. I tighten my fists as they were covered in stasis crystals, soon the crystals turned into my two Scythes. The first thug rushed me getting ready to swing his sword, only to be blocked by one of my Scythes. Soon his blade slowly started to freeze, to the point the Stasis got the handle of the blade. He quickly let go as the sword dropped to ground and shattered.

He then tried to punch me, I quickly dropped to me knees as I slashed him with both of my stasis scythes. The slash caused him to freeze immediately, the rest looked at the frozen thug and me in shocked. Some slight back away, others tighten their fist in anger.

" Well? Who's next? " I asked twisting my ice Scythes between my fingers, I waited as another thug charge me. I quickly jumped over him and soon cut his back freezing him, I had enough of waiting. I quickly ran towards the rest of the group, I jumped into air as my body started get covered in stasis crystals. I then throw the first scythe, it made impact with one of thugs, the scythe exploded with stasis energy freezing the group.

I land on my feet as I held my other scythe tightly as the leader walked up outside, soon stopping besides one of the frozen thugs " You were worth every cent truly you were. " He said walking passed the frozen status " Well red I'd say it's been an eventful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around. " He said pointing his can are him " This is where we part ways. " He said firing an explosion shot.

I quickly Dodge it and then looked around. I soon noticed him climbing up on latter, wanted to question why he got there and up the latter so fast. I quickly shook away the thought as I looked at tye shopkeeper " You okay if I go after him? " I asked as he nodded, I looked back at the building he climb up and running up to it, quickly climbing up the latter and saw him

" Hey! " I said readying my scythes. " persistent. " He said lowly as a Bullhead appread in front of him, he quickly hopped in as he turned to me " End of the line red! " He said throwing a fire dust crystal at my feet, I was to distracted to notice him aiming and firing at me.

I quickly brought up my arms to cover me from the blast and shut my eyes tight, but nothing happen. I looked up to see a huntress, I went wide eye with shock and amazement.  ' a REAL huntress!' I thought.  As I watched her fight the bullhead.

3rd POV

Cinder would slowly approached the pyramid, she could practically feel the power coming from within.  Emerald  and Mercury walked by her side, they felt uneasy as they looked at the black hull. " tell us, what do you seek? " a voice ring out as Emerald and Mercury shot there heads back as they heard growling.

Grim started to approach them, but they were different.  Instead of bone armor they now had Stasis crystals  from and sticking out there body.  " pay no mind to them." Cinder said calming looking back at her two subordinates out the corner of her eye and then looked back at large pyramid " we only seek a... audience with the one were speaking with. " she said as she only looked hearing silence.

When suddenly a black and dark orange orb appeared and took the shape of the person she feared the most,  someone she thought she would never see again. " whats wrong? I thought you wanted to talk Cinder. "  it said as it violently shook and twitched, it's head snapped to side as it had crooked grin.

Cinder and her minions took several steps back as they all say something different. For emerald it was Salem and for Mercury his dad " cling onto that importer of which you called darkness.  " it said as the Grim growled louder " cling onto what false power you hold Cinder. " the darkness said " we know what your planing, we will give you a warning.  Tell your queen to not interfere, or we will show what true darkness  is." The darkness said deadly as the body grow closer to Cinder only being inches away  as it displayed  and the Grim cleared a way for them.

Shaken by what happened the three started to walk away, now feeling as if something was always watching them closely.

( look who decided to show his face again.  That's right,  im back.  Sorry about the long wait, you must be tired of hearing that. But every since witch queen was show I felt my inspiration to write come back. Now then, you most be wonder why I switched  point of  views.  Well it because I want the darkness to have a important impact within the story,  after this IS the darkness  were talking about. Could it have been handled better yes. But oh well, I hoped you enjoyed O readers of mine )

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