Chapter 9 : Cupid

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Nathalie woke him shortly after twelve; of course, she made a fuss that Adrien was still in bed despite the late hour, and nearly called the doctor before Adrien managed to convince her that it wasn't necessary. He dragged himself out of bed and presented himself at the table for lunch, then bundled up in a coat and boots and left the mansion for three hours of Chinese lessons and then basketball practice.

When he returned, Nathalie directed him upstairs for piano practice. Adrien sat on the polished bench, weary, and set his fingers on the keys, but did not yet play. What he really wanted to do was put his head down and sleep for another two or three hours, but he could only risk using pre-recorded music as a cover so many times before he'd get caught and it was more important to be able to use that excuse during akuma battles.

"Going over to Marinette's again tonight?" Plagg asked, and Adrien looked up. Plagg was perched on the edge of the piano, watching Adrien with unsettlingly green eyes.

"I don't know. Hadn't thought about it," Adrien said, touching a key to hear the soft chime.

"Surprising since you seemed so excited when you came home last night," said Plagg.

"That was different," Adrien muttered. It hadn't taken him long to figure out that the concept of sexuality was utterly lost on a kwami. According to Plagg, kwamis just were. They couldn't have children; they were born into existence when a new concept or need arouse in the very universe itself. Of course, Plagg had also pointed out that that was a massive oversimplification of the whole thing, inferring that Adrien wasn't smart enough to grasp the full explanation – but Adrien preferred not to dwell on that part of it.

He set his hands on the keys and began to play a simple scale just to warm up. It had been a while since he'd actually sat down to practice, and his stiff fingers reflected that. Playing piano could be a comfort or a source of frustration depending on the day; he was grateful that today it was the former, and the longer he played the more he could feel some of his tenseness starting to melt away. Naturally, that was when Plagg spoke up.

"Was it? She's the same as you. Maybe you should date her instead."

Adrien startled, accidentally hitting a sour note. "Plagg!"

"What?" Plagg said, adopting an innocent look.

"That's not a good reason to date someone," Adrien said, exasperated.

"Obviously, but that wouldn't be your only reason, would it?" Plagg said knowingly. "You can pretend you're just friends all you want, but you like her."

"I do not," Adrien said, scowling at his kwami.

"You do too. And if you didn't have Ladybug, I bet you'd be willing to admit it."

Adrien said nothing for a moment. Because maybe there was a shard of truth in what Plagg was saying – as Nino had said once, Marinette was so open and giving and kind that it seemed like everyone had had a crush on her at some point. But it wouldn't be right for Adrien to date anyone, never mind a friend, when he was so caught up in Ladybug. Marinette deserved better.

"But I do have Ladybug," he said at last, very quietly. "I really – I really do love her. So..."

Plagg sighed. "Stupid kids," he muttered, and took off. Adrien watched him fly over to the bed, then looked back down at the piano.

He'd never admit it out loud, but maybe Plagg was right. Maybe he should be giving Marinette a chance. They were compatible sexually even if she didn't know it. But was that enough for the basis of a relationship? Not to mention, his love for Ladybug and Marinette's mysterious crush. She was in the same boat as him, it seemed... in love with someone, but uncertain now that it could ever happen.

At least, he hoped, Marinette's chances with her crush were better than his chances with Ladybug. Because it didn't matter what Adrien's orientation was. Ladybug had made it clear she didn't love him like that. He still held out hope she'd change her mind, but now what would happen if she did? Could he ever make a woman happy if he couldn't give her a fundamental part of what made a relationship?

He lowered his head, frustrated, then resumed playing. He practiced for over two hours, trying to focus on the music rather than letting him dwell on the situation at hand, and only stopped when his hands starting cramping up. Adrien reluctantly straightened up, rubbing at the back of his neck to ease the tension, and glanced around for Plagg. His kwami was curled up on the bed, asleep.

Should he go to Marinette's? Adrien debated that for a moment as he set aside his music book and closed the lid over the keys. She hadn't told him to come back, but nor had she asked him to stay away. She probably wouldn't think anything of Chat showing up for another visit. After all, the last two times they'd spoken had changed both their worldviews pretty fundamentally. And even if she didn't want him there, Marinette was too sweet to send him away. She'd welcome him with open arms – and maybe even more sweets.

It just seemed more fraught now that Plagg had brought up dating again. He'd always teased Adrien about Marinette being his girlfriend, and Adrien had always denied it, secure in his feelings for Ladybug. And he still was, but now, even if he decided not to give up on her, he was losing hope that he and Ladybug would ever be more than partners. So should he be spending more time with Marinette? Less? Was it wrong to spend time with her with an ulterior motive in mind? Especially since she didn't know that Chat Noir was close to her as a civilian... she had no idea she had disclosed something so private to a friend...

"I can hear you overthinking from here," Plagg moaned. "You're disturbing my sleep."

"My apologies," Adrien said, rolling his eyes. He picked up his music book. There was a silhouette of a white Cupid drawing back an arrow on the cover; love songs probably weren't the thing to be dwelling on right now anyway, he thought wryly. He set the book on his desk and pushed it to the back.

"So?" Plagg said, opening one eye to stare.

"I'm going to go see Marinette," Adrien announced. There didn't have to be anything more to the visit than a simple friend dropping by to visit another, after all.

"I knew it," Plagg muttered.

"Don't complain. It was your idea!"

"I know; I hate myself already."

Adrien shook his head. "I'm going to eat supper. When we come back, we're going." He left the room before he could hear Plagg start whining again, heading downstairs.

He ate supper alone as usual – no clue where his father was, and Nathalie was holed up in her office working on some kind of report – before wandering back upstairs. The mansion was dark and quiet, just like usual. He stood in the doorway to his room for a moment, looking over his shoulder. Marinette's house always seemed to be filled with warmth and laughter. He wondered what Ladybug's home was like. He hoped that it was similar to Marinette's; he hoped Ladybug didn't know what it was like to eat alone and then go to bed alone.

Maybe someday he would get to ask her. Someday after Hawkmoth was defeated. If, at that point, Ladybug felt comfortable sharing her identity, and Adrien had no idea if she would. They'd never really discussed it. He wasn't sure how to bring it up without it seeming like he was pushing.

"Alright, let's go."

Adrien blinked, startled. "What? Seriously?"

"I've had about as much of you moping as I can stand," Plagg said. "At least when you're with your girlfriend, you don't mope!"

"Marinette isn't – oh, never mind," Adrien said, sighing. Plagg did have a point. He wasn't going to accomplish anything else tonight. He'd just spend the whole time thinking about Ladybug. Maybe going to see Marinette would make him tired enough that he'd actually sleep.

"So?" Plagg said impatiently.

"Plagg, claws out!"

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