Chapter 7

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The morning had come.

At first nothing much happened. Shu wanted to strike later.

Gold Eye was nervous, so were all the others. Boa was organizing a riot on the lower training rooms. Shu was still waiting. The entire day was important.

The hours went by. Shu got the okay from Boa in the late afternoon. The slight smile that adorned Shu's lips was anything but reassuring. He called the others together. They sat at the table, the kids were down in the training rooms.

"Okay, everyone is aware of their roles?", Shu asked. Everyone nodded. Ashram had to have noticed something was going on. He had barricade himself into his laboratory. Now, they had to fight their way to it.

Shu nodded in response. "We knew Ashram wouldn't make it easy for us. Now, we will show him that we don't care how difficult to get to he is, or how crazy. He's not going to stop us."

The Bladers nodded at each other, smiled and let determination shine in their eyes. Gold Eye was just as determined as they were.

Ashram needs to be stopped, he thought. Then, we can see how it will continue. For now, we fight.

Shu took out a plan of the facility. He showed all of the passages leading to the lab. They would have to go through different places and start at different times. They would meet just before seven o'clock in the lab, surrounding Ashram on all sides.

"The timing has to be perfect. Understood?"

"Of course, Shu", Grey Eye said. "We won't mess this up."

Shu smiled. "I know. Good luck, everyone."

They scattered. Now or never.

Gold Eye and Violet Eye went through the unused staircase that led directly to the lab. They would be the first to arrive. They were the distraction.

"Do you really think we can do this?", Violet Eye asked. He was scared, the mask that had been discarded long ago not hiding his expression any longer.

"We have to", Gold Eye answered. He wasn't sure either. Ashram must know that there was something going on. If he didn't then...well it certainly wouldn't be the Ashram that Gold Eye knew.

They walked quietly, side by side. Gold Eye had forgotten what it could feel like to not cling to hierarchy the entire time.

"We're here", Violet Eye muttered. Seven o'clock was fast approaching. Gold Eye took a breath.

"Come on, we have to distract him long enough for the others to arrive."

They walked towards the lab, the masks back on. The scientists were guarding the door.

"Let us in", Gold Eye commanded. Even if those scientists refused, they were no match against two Bladers.

To his surprise, they let them in. Gold Eye kept an eye out. Who knew what they'd planned? It could be a coordinated effort to confuse them.

"No matter what may happen, keep your cool. As long as you are in control, no one will be able to hurt you."

That had been Shu's words. Shu's words that seemed to hold true. Violet Eye was fidgeting. Gold Eye resisted the urge to sigh.

"Ah, Gold Eye, Violet Eye", a voice called. Gold Eye had never felt such a strong chill from it. "How good it is to see you."


Both Bladers tensed, instinctively wanted to take a step back. Gold Eye gulped.

"We haven't be able to talk for a while, sir", he said politely. "We thought we'd tell you about something we have overheard the kids say."

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