Hanging out With Xavier

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I was walking to my car with Xavier, laughing so hard I thought I might pee myself. This boy is too funny. He told me about this girl named Kylie and how she's obsessed with him and now he was impersonating her with a high pitched voice saying omg xavier!.

"Oh my goodness! You're too funny!" I said slapping his arm lightly.

He bumped my his hip with mine as we walked to my car.

"Woah! This is your car ?!" He yelled running up to my car.


"Can I drive it ?! Pleaseee ?!?" He asked

"Uhhh don't you have your own car ? " I said pointing to his black Ford truck.

"Man...well I'll see you later, meet me at ColdStone ice cream ok? " he said hugging me goodbye.

"Ok" I said.

I got home to find my mom on the couch watching The Real Housewives Of Atlanta

"Hey mommy" said kissing her cheek

"Hey baby, how was school ?" She asked

"Good, I'm going to hang out with my friend Xavier in a bit." I said grabbing a bottled water.

"Oh ok, but I wanna meet this Xavier your talking about." She said looking at me.

"Ok ma I'll let you meet him"

With that, I walked upstairs to change my clothes and texted Xavier that I'm on my way to ColdStone.

On my way there, I plugged in my AUX cord and blasted The Night by Disturbed. I was drumming the steering wheel with my fingers and nodded my head violently at the stop light and received weird looks from people in the cars next to me.

Pulling into the parking lot, I walked inside to see Xavier and two other guys sitting with him.

"Hey" I said, standing there awkwardly.

"Jacee!" He said standing up to give me a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his waist while he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. we all sat down eating our ice cream when that girl Kylie bursted into the door like a mad woman looking frantically for someone.

"XAVIER!" She screamed.

What the hell...

"Oh god..." He said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Xavier, why are you here with her?!" She yelled sizing me up and down. I was trying to contain all the curse words from shooting out of my mouth like an AK47.

"Uh because she's my friend and I want her to be here." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Ugh whatever..." She said flipping her hair.

Her heels echoed through coldstone as she left.

"Wow....that was something." I said stuffing my mouth with Cookies and Cream I cream with gummy bears on top.

"I know, she's insane." Xavier said leaning back into his chair.

"So what should we do now ?" I asked, standing up to throw away my cup.

"I wanna go to the park." Justin said walking to the front door.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys there." I said walking out of the door.

I got in my car and followed behind the boys in Xavier's truck. Once we arrived at the park Justin and Wen and Xavier ran to the three swings and began swinging.

"Hey I wanted to go on the swing too !" I said crossing my arms.

"You can sit on Xavier's lap." Justin said winking at me. I looked over to Xavier to see if he's ok with it and he started blushing.

"I-I mean if it's ok with you...y'know if you want to." He said looking down at the ground.

I slowly made my way over to Xavier and sat on his lap.

"Awww, you guys will make a cute couple am I right?" Justin wiggled his eyebrows at me and Xavier.

Then I was my turn to blushing. I did kinda have a crush on Xavier but he probably doesn't like black girls...I doubt he'd ask me out.

" Dude! Shut up !" Xavier yelled and blushed harder.

"Jacee, Jacee would you date him?" Wen asked me.

"Uh yeah... I guess..." I said scratching the diamond stud on my nose.

"See Xavier, she'll date you." Justin said as he started to swing again.

Xavier patted my upper thigh, signaling for me to stand up, he grabbed my hand and walked away from Justin and Wen. We walked to a bench in front of a lake and sat down.

"Soooo..." He said , scratching behind his ear.

"That was weird..." I said rubbing my arm.

"Do you, uh, want to go out with me? I mean if you don't want to its fine." He said quickly, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, sure, of course , I'd love to." I said

"I'll pick you up at 7:00pm tomorrow?" He asked scratching his forehead and raising an eyebrow.

"I'll be waiting." I said smiling.

By that time , we all said our goodbyes and I got a kiss on the cheek from Xavier. I drove home with the biggest smile on my face. I walked inside my house to find no one there. Walking into the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator to find a note on the door.

Jacee, I'll be out if town for a week for my job. I hope you behave yourself while I'm gone. ~Mom

Great... She's gone....

I walked upstairs to take a nice long hot bath. Once I got in the tub, I began to think.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe Xavier asked me out on a date....what should I wear? Is it going to be fancy or causal?

All these questions floated through my brain as I finished cleaning myself and getting out. I put on black yoga shorts and a One Direction tank top and got in bed. I was up for a while on Instagram until I decided to go to sleep. I plugged my phone into the charger and placed it on my night stand slowly dozing off to sleep.

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