Becoming Friends With Rianna

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Me and Xavier walked in to math class hand in hand together. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and walked over to his desk. As I walked over to my desk, I was about sit down until I realized someone was sitting in my seat. She was pretty. She had on a loose gray tank top with a knot tied in the front, black tights, a black and white flannel shirt tied around her hips and dark red Doc Martins.

"Uh excuse me, but you're in my seat." I said.

"Oh sorry"she sighed "there is no other seat".

"Oh that's ok, I'll sit here." I said sitting down.

"I'm Jacee by the way." I said holding out my hand.

"I'm Rianna nice to meet you". "Bruh I'm sorry that I took your seat." She said.

"Its fine." I said grinning.

"That's your boyfriend over there?" Rianna asked pointing to Xavier. He was writing something on his notebook with his eyebrows scrunched together but the looked up and saw me looking at him and rose one eyebrow while smirking. I waved over to him, telling him to come here. He got up and walked over to us and sat down in an empty desk next to me.

"Heyyy ladies" he said leaning back into his chair.

"Xavier this is Rianna, Rianna this is Xavier, my boyfriend.

They shook hands and smiled at each other. The bell rung and Me, Xavier and Rianna walked to our lockers. Turns out that Rianna's locker is next to mine. All of a sudden Justin come up and puts both his arms around me and Xavier's shoulders.

"There's my two love birds." He smiles hugging me then Xavier. He looked up and saw Rianna and his mouth dropped.

"Who's that?" He whispered into my ear.

"Oh that's Rianna, she's new here" I said aloud , grabbing Rianna's wrist.

"Hey, I'm Justin." He smiled.

"Rianna." She smiled back.

"I think Justin likes her." I whispered to Xavier.

"Its so obvious." He whispered back

"They'd make a beautiful couple, oh my god then we can double date all the time!"

"I know babe." He chuckled.

Those two hit if off pretty quick. Now we all are at the lunch table laughing our heads off. I never knew Xavier was THIS funny. Justin and Rianna are chatting away while me and Xavier talk quietly.

"Just look at them, love at first sight" I said leaning my head on Xavier's shoulder.

"Yup, justin's gonna asked her out soon....I know it."

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