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Prompt: Y/N plays with Tommy's hair

Nothing but light fluff, Tommy's a minor!

It was getting late, and you were staying the night at Tommy's house.

You were laying down on his bed while he played Minecraft.

You look at the time.

"Tommy, it's getting late..." you say, whining at him.

"Hold on, let me finish this part!" He responds.

About 15 minutes later, he shuts down his PC, and comes to sit by you.

Eventually he lays down too.

You start to play with his hair.

It was very soft and seemed to be well taken care of, yet you knew he didn't do much with it besides wash it regularly.

Actually, you didn't even know if he did that.

Since he was so busy with the SMP, sometimes he forgets to do essentials like taking showers or brushing his teeth.

You forced him to take one when you came over since you could smell him as he had forgotten to take one for the past 4 days.

Since he had taken a shower not long ago, his hair smelled good and was still slightly wet.

"Your hair is so soft." You blurted out.

"That's because you forced me to take a shower." He says.

You giggle.

"You seem tired." Tommy says.

"How did you know?" You ask.

"Because you always play with my hair when you're tired." He says.

You blush.

"Really?" You ask.

"It's the little things I pick up on that surprise you, isn't it?" He smiles.

You both fall asleep, your fingers still raking through Tommy's hair until your brain shut off, unable to move your body as you were sleeping.

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