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The pronouns used will be she/her 🥰

Y/n sighs. All her boyfriend will do is sit in his bedroom and talk to his friends.

He especially plays the game Minecraft with them, which drives you insane as he's always screaming when he plays that. Y/n has learned to get used to it as she has to deal with it daily.

Y/n decides to cook her favorite meal, f/m. She knows George enjoys it too, so that might be able to get him out of his room.

Y/n decides she will start.

Y/n gets out the pots and pans. She gets out the m/i (main ingredient) from the pantry.

Just as Y/n was about to start cooking, she hears the footsteps of George come down the hallway. They make eye contact.

"Is dinner ready? I'm hungry and can't wait long, Dream and I are playing." He says.

"Can't you see it isn't ready? I was about to start cooking." Y/n says.

She got a bit annoyed at his tone, as it seemed he was annoyed at her.

"Well, can you move any faster?" George says.

Y/n was taken aback, as George is usually quite polite.

"Shut up, and grab a snack yourself."

Y/n feels a bit bad about what she told George, but at the same time she doesn't regret it.

Y/n has learned something along her life. "It's better to live without regrets." That was her go to quote.

She decides if it's something she did for her own good, it was worth saying.

Y/n decides she is getting tired, so she makes her way to the bedroom.

Y/n and George share a bed, as Y/n and George live together now.

She strolls into the bedroom. She sees George is streaming.

He mutes himself and says, "Can't you see I'm streaming? You are being so annoying tonight, ugh."

Y/n was taken aback again. A tear rolled down her cheek, but George didn't notice as he was already back to streaming.

Y/n decides to call her best friend, b/f (not standing for boyfriend it stands for best friend).

B/f says that y/n can come and stay over.

She gets into the car, and pulls out of the driveway.

George didn't even bother to notice she was leaving suddenly, as he was too busy streaming.

Y/n arrives at b/f house. B/f shows you to their room, and you watch a few movies and munch on snacks.

About 6 hours later, she see the time. 1:00 AM.

Had she really been there for so long?

All of a sudden, her phone makes a beep. Y/n has a special beep for her boyfriends texts, so she recognized it immediately.

It was George.

She reads the texts.

I'm so sorry               9:37

Are you there?          10:19

Baby I'm getting worried,
you're scaring me. I'm so
sorry I'm having a panic
attack baby please I  love
you so much                          11:32

I have                           11:44

I'm so anxious.           12:02

Ily.                                 12:13

[empty message]        12:19

Are you with b/f?       1:02

"What the hell?" B/f looks shocked as they read the messages George had sent.

She had had her phone on silent, therefore not noticing the abundance of texts sent by her boyfriend.

"He must be so worried.." Y/n says anxiously.

"What do you mean? He sounds like he's just being a clingy idiot. Wasn't he quite rude to you earlier anyways?" B/f asks.

"Yes, that's true. But this tone- he seems honestly upset and worried." Y/n states.

"He's being a little b*t*h." B/f bluntly claims.

"That's not true.. I know him. He just.. wasn't feeling himself." Y/n argues back.

"Look, it's not a far drive from where you live to our place. I'll head over, and text you if he was just trying to get my attention. If there is no text, we made up and are cuddling in bed. Deal?" Y/n says, putti out her hand for a shake.

"Deal. You just know how-" b/f gets cut off by y/n, who put a finger over b/f mouth.

"I know. That's why we have this code. Think of a code word, and that means I need George to come to his senses." Y/n says.

"If you text me the words "Grape Juice is gross," I'll know. Just remember that." B/f hugs y/n tightly.

"Okay, okay. And a system of three strikes he's out." Y/n was having too much fun thinking of a system.

"Oh, crud! I forgot about Gogy. Have a good night!" Y/n slips into her car.

                                                I'm coming home.

Y/n steps into the house, where she finds George breathing heavily. He's crying really hard.

Y/n runs over to him quickly.


He hugs you.

"I was such an a**hole.."

"Everyone has off days."

He looks up at you with his pure eyes.

"Why don't I make you something for dinner?"

The two of you had a 2:00 AM dinner together.

869 words

Thank you for reading, love you all!!

I'm sorry for making George so unlikeable, he turned out ruder than I even expected-

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