on your period

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He would just cuddle. He wouldn't take the time to get you what you needed, as he would already have his arms around you with the TV on.

He would literally get you anything that you asked for. He would not find it gross and make sure you had extra pads and tampons. He would also get you your favorite candy, and cuddle you.

He would know what happens, but he doesn't understand why. He just knows that blood comes out of that and would constantly ask MotherInnit on what to do. When you ask him to get pads or tampons, he would be texting you the whole time to make sure he gets the right one.

Similar to George, he would not find it gross and simply just gets you what you need. He would also give lots of snuggles because he knows you are in pain.

When you ask him to get pads, he would say, "What the hell do you knee pads for?" and would have no idea what you are talking about. He would attempt to educate himself on it but couldn't wrap his mind around it. "So you are pissing blood?"

Cuddles. Cuddles all day. He would make sure to get you extra necessities as well.

He would paint your nails and cuddle. He would also buy you pads and tampons, being a loving boyfriend.

Snuggles as well. Makes sure you have pads and tampons. He would stock the bathroom with a bunch. He lets you sit with him while he streams and cuddles you right after.

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