Chapter 10

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"So, what do you guys need to tell me?"

Nick starts to jump around like a little kid, as he remembers they have something to tell me. The three boys made me come to the beach so early today that it must be something so important. They have a smile on their faces, and it makes me relax a little. Dream opens his mouth to talk, but is quickly cut off by Nick.

"So um basically my family lives in Greece, and they asked me to come and visit them this summer"

They all look at me, waiting for a reaction from me. I am even more confused than before. Why would that affect me? I mean I'm happy if he visits his family even if we are going to miss him. I stay still, looking at each of their faces with a confused expression.

"Ok...and?" I ask before he continues.

"Well, I asked my family if I could bring some friends. They said that they really didn't mind since the house we own is very big. They also said that as long as we don't bother it's ok. I immediately thought of the three of you".

I have absolutely no words for that. Traveling was never something I really did, other than to Florida, of course. I am so flattered by the fact that he actually invite me, even though we have been friends for such a short amount of time.

I am literally invited on a trip to Greece, the most beautiful country in the world in my opinion. We are going to be able to spend every day at the beach to surf on even higher and better waves than here. We are going to be able to taste the absolutely best food in the entire world. We are going to be able to visit the gorgeous and ancient city. But the better part, we are going to spend so much time all together.

If anybody had told me a few months ago that I would be invited by some friends on a trip, I would absolutely not have believed them. I look at them, still shocked, trying to process everything that has just been said. It takes me a few seconds to snap back to reality.

"So um George, do you wanna come" Dream asks, a little worried that I am going to say no.

His voice brings me back to reality. They were a mix of smiling and worried faces, since I am staying quiet for so long.

"Um I never really traveled before" I say unsure of what to respond.

"Oh don't worry '' Karl continues, excitedly, "None of us really did and don't stress about it. Imagine everything we are going to be able to do there! The only thing you would have to pay is your plane ticket, and if it's about that, we would arrange something to help you".

I feel so stupid for hesitating. Obviously, going out so much and meeting people is going to be very stressful, but the quality time we are going to spend is going to be insane.

"It's only two weeks" Nick adds in a last attempt to make me accept.

My confused face turns into a very big smile.

"Of course I'm going, it is gonna be sick!"

"YESSSSSS" the three boys scream all together.

They seem so happy with my response, before pulling me into a group hug. The feeling is so overwhelming, and I absolutely do not regret my answer.

"Omg dude, it's going to be so sick. Surfing all day and enjoying our time somewhere other than this terrible place" Dream adds.

Why does he find Florida a terrible place? He grew up here, and lived here all his life. Why does he say that?

"Of course, it's going to be the best summer of my life". Karl says with his unique soft giggle.

"We are leaving at the beginning of July so in like three weeks or so" Nick says looking at me. "We were wondering if you had work, or something to do".

Screw work. I will try and take the minimum of it, and do it all before leaving.

"No it doesn't matter, I will arrange something"

"And the plane ticket" Dream asks, unsure.

"Oh no it's ok for that don't worry".

We talk about it for a little longer. We are all so excited, listing the activities we are going to do together. It is like nothing could affect me anymore. Everything feels so perfect as we just talk about stupid things, getting excited over every little thing.

I can't wait to tell my sister the good news. She's going to be excited for me, I already know it! We talk a little longer, before jumping in the water. The news is so overwhelming, I almost forget about my new surf.

As soon as I'm completely in the water, I swim to a wave, before doing my best to stay on it. Surfing is still very hard, and I fail miserably once again, but I don't really care. Dream is surfing on a wave next to me, laughing at how bad my skills are.

We stay in the water for almost two hours, before Karl and Nick go spend some time together, and me and Dream sit on the beach. At this point, the sun is almost completely down, but the air is still warm and comforting.

"So how is your surf" Dream asks.

"Perfect, I'm so happy to have one"

We stay silent for a long time after that, looking at the endless sea. It's like the both of us want to speak, but none of us actually do it. The silence is not awkward, but a bit dense. The sun is completely down, and the stars slowly fill the sky.

"Look, a constellation" Dream starts, before pointing at the sky.

I look where his finger is showing, and there is in fact a weird shaped object in the sky. I look at him, meeting his smiley face. We keep eye contact for a few more seconds, before we both look back at the sky.

We both see this magical moment come to an end as Karl and Nick walk towards us. The four of us make our way back to the car after grabbing all of our stuff. Like always, we say goodbye to the couple, before we enter Dream's car. He drives me back to my apartment, as always.

I wonder where he lives since he never talked about it. He probably lives near here because he is always super quick to get to the beach. We arrive finally at the apartment, and Dream stops the car.

"Hey George"

"Yes" I respond.

"See you tomorrow".

I open the car, and get out as Dream waves me goodbye, and I wave back. I unlock the door of my house, and immediately go lay on the bed. I still can't believe I am leaving in less than a month to have the best two weeks of my life with my friends. This is insane!

And tonight was incredible, like always. I close my eyes and smile like an idiot in the dark of my room. I run a hand in my still wet hair, letting a happy sight escape my mouth. 

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Rosa <3

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