The last death

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Maki's POV

I don't think I've seen Kokichi much since after the class trial, maybe Shuichi has him? Eh, I should probably go check on him anyways. As I was walking I saw Kokichi and me..? What the hell.

~After listening to their conversation~

My eyes widened. That has to be Tsumugi! She's the only one who cosplays and would have my outfit most likely. Wait, she also ratted herself out as the mastermind. I have to tell the others!

I ran to go find everyone. As I was looking for everyone I ran into Tsumugi.

"Why the rush Maki?" She asked.

I roll my eyes. "I don't have time, I have to go." I begin to walk off.

Tsumugi grabs my arm. "I don't think so." She whispers.

After that everything went black.

Shuichi's POV

I wonder where Kokichi is, I should probably go look for him incase someone isn't looking after him. I go to his dorm, on the way I see him kinda waddling around.

"Kokichi? Is anyone watching over you?"

He shakes his head. "I'm the Ulmate Supreme Leaer! I don't need someone waching over me! He says before he put hands on his hips. (I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader! I don't need someone watching over me!)

I just sigh and pick him up. "Well, this Ultimate Supreme Leader is also like three now."

He begins to pout.

I sigh before bringing him to dining hall, he may be hungry considering the fact that he missed lunch since he fell asleep during the trial. As I take him into the dining hall I see Maki.

"Hey Shuichi, can I talk to you for a moment."

I nod, "Yeah, what do you wanna talk about."

"We need to talk about it in my room. I don't want anyone hearing it." She says as she begins to walk to her room.

I follow her, still holding Kokichi. Once we make it to her dorm she sits down on her bed, I sit down next to her.

"I was walking in the hallway and I saw Kokichi talking to me."

I sat there confused. What'd she mean?


"You know how Tsumugi is a cosplayer right? Well, I believe she cosplayed as me and was pretending to be me."

How would that be possible? Tsumugi can only cosplay fictional characters from like animes or something.

"But she can't cosplay real people."

"Yeah, I know. So that made me wonder are we actually real? What if this is all a simulation or perhaps even a dream?"

I nod, those are all good points, but to be honest we can't be sure of anything.

"That does make good sense but there's no way of actually proving it."

"I know. But I feel Tsumugi is the mastermind, so if we expose her then we could possibly end this killing game and find out the truth."

"But Maki, what if she isn't actually the mastermind?"

"Who else could it be Shuichi! It leads to her!" Maki argues back.

"Maki right!" Kokichi yells out.

I look at Kokichi, does he know more than what we think.

"I feel he knows a lot more than what we think." Maki says, reading my mind.

"Kokichi? How much do you know?"

"Mugi mastermind! She erase memory from you! Lieve me please!" (Tsumugi's the mastermind! She erased the memory from you two! Believe me please!) Kokichi pleaded.

Shuichi sighs, "He doesn't seem to be lying."

Maki nods, "Then we must expose her next trial."

I nod in agreement.

I soon leave Maki's room to head to the dining hall to get something for Kokichi to eat this time. (Last time he didn't have time to get him something to eat since Maki wanted to talk to him -w-)

As I walk into the dining hall I see Kaito laying on the floor, dead. My eyes widened, Himiko soon walks in, with a wet rag..?

"Nyeh, oh- Shuichi! What're you doing here?" She asked in a panicky tone.

Why does she sound so panicky? I just brush it off because she did just see a dead body after all.

"I came to get Kokichi something to get, what about you?" I asked as I glanced at the rag in her hand.

Before she can answer the body discovery announcement goes off.

Soon everyone else comes into the dining hall.

A few minutes later we get some time to investigate before the trial starts.

After the Investigation

After investigating for sometime we all have to now head to the trial room. I guess me and Maki will have to expose Tsumugi in this trial as well?

We all stand in our spots, Kokichi up with Monokuma.

Towards the end of the trial

"The killer has to be Himiko." Shuichi says.

"No! It wasn't me!"

"Himiko, all the evidence leads to you." Tsumugi says.

Everyone stays silent for a most, then Himiko starts laughing like crazy. Is she alright?

"You know what? I don't care. Execute me, then I'll finally be able to see Angie and Tenko again! So yes it was me! I killed Kaito." She says smiling like a mad man.

We all voted for her and watched her get executed.

Himiko's execution

Warning: If you're sensitive to killing/deaths then skip the rest of this chapter. Thank you.

Monokuma dragged Himiko to a room, the room had a table with supplies on it.

Himiko was then forced into one of those cutting boxes (like you know those things in magic shows the boxes that people go in then you saw them in half? Yeah those). Himiko's eyes widened in fear as Monokuma grabbed and saw and began slowly sawing the box in half.

Once he got to sawing her body she let out a high pitch scream. After about 20 minutes there was no noise left. Himiko was dead.

I looked over to Kokichi and saw tears forming in his eyes then I realized that I forgot to have someone cover his eyes. I turned him away from Himiko and began to try to calm him down.

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