Chapter 10, Part 2: Go-karting in the 90s

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From last time, the campers were running to avoid the lasers like headless chicken.

Poor Dakota and B got cornered by Chef and were caged by him while everyone else managed to get a kart and join the race, with Zoey in the lead!

Racers to tag Mountain Looming Disaster were in order:


Y/n and Dawn (since Dawn's was busted by a laser squirrel so they share a kart)


Same for the Spooky tree where that cyclopean tentacle creature lives in.

Right after that, the racers were notified via their GPS that a fourth location was added, which turns out be the face of Mount Chrismoure.

And who said it? Chef by using a voice recording and a Chris McLean puppet.

Of course, there always has to be some obstacles...

While on their way after marking the top of the totem pole to Mount Chrismoure, Duncan just thought he could pick a fight wiiiith...

You guessed it, Y/n and Dawn, by jumping on their shared kart.

Duncan: Well, if it's not the couple who saved my girl.

Y/n (driving): What do you want, Duncan? We're in the middle of a race here.

Duncan: Well, I wanted to thank you for saving my girl, as well as punish you! 

He points at Y/n, mad, making the couple confused.

Y/n (driving): For what?


((Enjoy the music. One of my favorites.)

He lounges at Y/n, who still manages to hold him back with one arm while driving the kart!

Y/n: Dawn! Take the wheel!

He quickly pushes Duncan back and goes onto the front of the kart!

She quickly does so while her boyfriend fights the delinquent on the front of the kart...

Dawn: Be careful, love!

Duncan may have experience in fighting, but does Y/n.

Not only that, but since they are right next to a rock wall...

Y/n definitely has a plan to beat him!

The glare-off begins

Duncan: Only I can flirt with her!

Y/n: Blazes, Duncan! I didn't flirt with her! Get that through your damn head!

Duncan makes the first move by trying to strangle him, but Y/n quickly retaliates by a headbutt, breaking his nose and pushing him back a step or two!

Duncan: You bastard-

Right after that, Y/n kicks him the head.

In slow motion for a moment, we can see some teeth flying out of Duncan's mouth.

Then, Y/n grabs him and pushes Duncan's head directly into the stone wall, with the kart still going, despite Duncan's efforts to push him back as well as his screams of pain and rage.

Then after a while Y/n throws Duncan off both the kart and the road.

Duncan (while falling):

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