Chapter 9: Stranded Treasure Hunt!

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((I'm back, everyone! I had to be fired from my summer job for numerous reasons, none of them being my fault. If you're actually curious about that, feel free to message me. Anyway, enjoy this chapter.))

Chris: Last time on Total Drama- Revenge of the Island.

Chris: The players went on an impromptu 'clean-up' challenge and tried not to get a toxic makeover.

Chris: Mike introduced us to Manitoba Smith, his most rugged and arrogant persona yet.

Chris: Y/n yet again managed to save everyone while causing some chaos.

Chris: With the Maggots winning, the Rats stood together and forced me to give one of them an old heave-hurl.

Chris: Who will survive? Who will wish they didn't? Find out right now on: Total-Drama-Revenge of the Island!

We see our campers sleeping, each on a respective ramp made of planks held by ropes.

Then we see an alarm clock tied to a buoy, and just then, it rings.

Everyone wakes up, surprised.

Mike: What? Where are we?

Everyone else seem to be looking around, confused.

Zoey: Chris must've set us adrift after we went to sleep.

Y/n: Must've been the food we had.

Mike: What do you mean?

Y/n: Think. Our dinner had turkey in it, but since it must've been mutated, it knocked us out cold.

Dakota: But what about the sharks?

Dawn: In the middle of all this-

Her eyes widen as she sees the chemical waste around them.


Y/n: Oh dear! Dawn, it'll be okay-

He gets interrupted as Dawn grabs him by the shoulders.

Dawn: How can you be so calm?! Mother Nature is tortured by all this!

Y/n: I understand, but we need to calm so we can get through this.

Dawn: But-

Y/n just kisses her on the nose, surprising her.

Y/n: Just trust me. Chris WILL get his karma.

<<Y/n used Relaxing Encouragement>>

Dawn seems to calm down somewhat, with a tint on pink on her cheeks.

<<It's super effective!!>>

Mike: Hey, sweet hat!

The Rats see Mike holding a brownish gray fedora.

Y/n: Mike, I don't think that's a good idea.

Mike just looks at him, slightly confused.

Mike: Huh? Why not?

Y/n: That hat's color is more for elderly folk. Doesn't suit you.

Mike takes another at the hat.

Mike: Awww. Aw, well.

He just throws it away.

Then, we see Chris and Chef arriving on powerboats.

Chris: Morning, suckers, how'd you enjoy your turkey buttolini?

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