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"That's a lot of paint on your face."

"Do more?"

"Do more? You are crazy." Morgan takes the brush and goes through the paint again and draws another time on Spencer's face, who is sitting on the counter of Morgan's kitchen. "This feels good?"

"Yes." With a chuckle he draws over Spencer's nose making the man giggle at the feeling of the bristle and cold paint running over his skin. Originally they just wanted to clean the brushes out after painting the pieces for the tree house the team will be building as a surprise for Henry next weekend.

Over the last one and a half year the two went through what probably was the worse year of their friendship. After the shouting match between Denise and Morgan at Rossi's during which Hotch held Reid to his chest promising him that this isn't his fault and that no matter what he would have done he would have never met all of her requirements, Morgan started shutting himself of from the group, feeling guilty and whenever Spencer would try to gain contact he would push him away. Metaphorically as well as literally until Spencer started doing the same and they didn't talk about anything to each other. The only words exchanged were case related. No teasing, no nicknames, no touches.

The trial that Morgan had pushed Spencer to was nothing, she got hardly a punishment.

Spencer gets hit by a car that night he claims to not have seen but when the hospital calls Morgan and he sees him in his hospital bed with no emotions on his face, no fear,no pain he knows better than that.

Derek breaks down in tears when he helps Spencer get dressed in the hospital, laying his head on Spencer's thigh while he is on one knee in front of him after helping him with his socks and Spencer hesitant patterns his back three times.

Morgan takes a leave of absence after that, taking care of him until Spencer is able to work again and both of them get into therapy. Separately. Spencer takes time off after working one case after his not attempt, he still claims, even if there is no possibility he hasn't seen that car.

When he comes back after three months he gives Morgan a small nod and then heads right back into his work.

Morgan calls him that night,asking if he ate dinner, if he locked his door and if he packed his go bag for tomorrow.

He does the same in the morning again.

The first time the team catches a glance of their friendship slowly getting back to what it was again is when they are on a case in the north and there is snow partly reaching up until under his knees and Spencer is exhausted walking in that and Morgan takes him piggyback, carrying him through the snow while Spencer has his arms wrapped around his neck.

That was four months ago.

And now Hotch hears Spencer's giggling and Morgan's laughing before he even opened the door and then he sees them in the kitchen like this, and Spencer turns his head towards him with the biggest smile, his face covered in paint while Morgan looks ridiculously in love with the brightest smile on his face, having one hand under Spencer's chin and adoring how the sensation of the brush meeting his skin makes him giggle like this, Hotch is sure, maybe even more than he was three years ago that it is still the strongest friendship he ever had witnessed forming and growing and maybe became even more than just a friendship.

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