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The for him worst moment is the one in the hospital, people are pulling glass shreds out of his skin from an explosion while Morgan stands by, trying to keep him calm and then his phone goes the first time and he has to step out and it makes Spencer feel unsafe.

He doesn't like people having the power over him to touch him. Not like this. So Morgan is quickly ordered back in again and he tells Spencer it's fine he will be here the whole time and then his phone goes again and it's Denise but this time Morgan doesn't leave and stays behind Spencer having one hand at his waist as he takes the phone call and it is her again. Crying because she is scared she is pregnant and no matter how much Spencer begs him to stay he still leaves, leaving him alone with the doctor and nurses, he doesn't even know. And they are all touching him. And the room is really bright. And people are loud. Everything is so loud and there are still things stuck inside of him. Inside his skin. Nothing is supposed to be sticking out or in him. And it really burns and the bandages are sticking to his skin and when he wakes up Hotch is there.

"Hey, careful." The man jumps up from the chair in the hospital room. "It's alright,lay back down." Spencer does looking around the room. "You are at the hospital but you are okay." His first try is to get rid of the needle in his arm. "Hey no, a nurse is going to do that."

"I don't need it."

"They will take it, it was just for your safety, you were really shaken up."

"I don't need this." Hotch tries his best to keep him calm and to convince the Dr. That Spencer will be a lot calmer ones he is out of here and that Hotch can handle this.

"Come on let's get you into my jacket." Spencer is sitting on the edge of his hospital bed.

"I need to call Morgan."

"You can call him later."

"No it's really important."

"Tell you what, you put this jacket on and I call him." Quietly Spencer takes the jacket and strips it over the shirt he is wearing.

Hotch had brought him new clothes that he had laying around in his car and they don't fit at all but it was better than a hospital groom. "Here" Hotch holds him the phone to his ear, after having announced to Morgan that Spencer wants to speak to him.

"How are you doing? Hotch told me you can go home already."

"I don't feel good."

"What's bugging you kid?"

"The bandates."

"There will be gone in no time again."

"I was originally calling because of the-" and then he lowers his voice. "Pregnancy test."


"Oh I am- I am sorry?"

"No no- kid I am relived I was not ready to have a kid yet let me tell you that."

"How is- How is she?"

"I think relived as well but also disappointed. Listen kid, let Hotch take care of you and I will step by later. I told him to drop you off at my house."

"No I want to go home."

"Not debatable,you are staying the night. See you later, I love you."

"I don't want go to Morgan's house." He tells Hotch while the man puts his phone away.

"The next option is my apartment."


"You would rather spend the night at my apartment than Morgan's house?" He was originally not offering this he just thought that if he gives him the option he will see how much better it sound to go to Morgan's.

"Yes please."

"Alright, alright we can do that."

By now Hotch is pretty sure that something must have happened between the two even if Morgan maybe is oblivious to it.

"I will work in my office and you can watch TV or sleep or read - your choice just call me if you need anything. Jack will be home from school in a few hours."

"Can I work tomorrow again?"

"We see how much the burnings hurt okay? I am sure they are wearing you off pretty good."

"They don't hurt to badly."

"We will just wait for tomorrow okay?"

"I wanna know."

"Spencer look-" Hotch sets down on the table infront of the couch. "I know that something has been bugging you about the last months and I can only imagine how painful those cuts and burns are, but maybe you want to tell me what happened with Morgan so you can focus on your recovery."

"Nothing happened with Morgan."

"I am not confronting him with it if you don't want to, I just want to know that you are okay."

"It's nothing. And Morgan didn't do anything."

"And the bruise on your cheek that was there before this case?"

"What are you saying?"

"Is there maybe the possibility that Morgan did that?"

"You mean hurting me?" Offended Spencer looks at him. "No. No. Morgan doesn't hurt me."

"Than who does?"

"No one. No one hurts me."


"No. I am fine." He pulls himself back from Hotch and the man gives up for now.

"Hey sorry if it is a bad timing."

"No not at all come in." Morgan passes the door of the small apartment seeing Spencer sitting on the couch watching TV with Jack leaning against his side and empty plates in front of them. "Spencer it's for you."

"Oh- hi!" He beams up to Morgan who walks around the couch sitting down in the armchair next to it. "We are watching- what was it again Jack?"


"That looks like real education." Morgan jokes looking at the comic figures on the screen.

"Not really."

"How are you doing? How are the burns?"

"The burns are okay as long as I don't think about it and don't touch him and the cuts are itching under the bandages."

"I am sure the first can be taken off tomorrow."

"I will go back home tomorrow but I am not allowed back to work yet."

"Probably better." He let's him watch his TV program for a few more moments and then tries his luck. "Listen I am sorry I left the hospital last night. Denise was panicking and she made me chose and I know that you would have needed me more I am sorry."

"It's okay, Hotch was there." He doesn't seem to be remembering much because between Morgan leaving and Hotch getting a call to come to the hospital were four hours. "He made me dinner."

"Well I see he took real good care of you. Maybe you want to - you know come home with me now?"



"I will stay here with Hotch. I don't want to stay over at your house. I am not even allowed."

"Of course you are allowed to stay over at my house."

"Don't lie just because Hotch is here!" He yells frightening Jack.

"Spencer I am not lying you can come over to my house everytime you want for how ever long you want."

"You are a goddamn hypocrite."

"I don't know what has gotten into you lately but if you decide that this how we are gonna be than fine. Then I won't try anymore because your behaviour does not make any sense. Either to me, to Hotch or to anyone else. Get your act together."

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