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Hotch can't say he has every witnessed two people forming a friendship as fast and as strong as Reid and Morgan.

From Spencer's first day on they are inseparable and he likes to think it is because Morgan didn't make a big deal out of him. Out of the kid that grew up as always the smartest one in the room, that grew up blowing peoples mind and at the same time doing the opposite. Having people judge him. Not understanding him but Morgan met him, and not in a disrespectful way, just didn't give a shit what his title says and the rest - he learned. He did everything he always does and when Spencer showed him he was uncomfortable he changed his ways and by now,years later, they play in each others cards without missing a beat.

Spencer is kneeling in the entrance area of Morgan's new house project, cuddling Clooney who had jumped in his lap, licking his face. Morgan had told him he would spend his weekend here and that Spencer can step by if he wants too and Spencer had been bored all morning, until the boredom turned into nervousness and he needed to do something.

"Pretty boy is that you?" He hears him calling from somewhere in the back of the house,but Spencer doesn't answer and just continues cuddling the dog,feeling the warm spread through his body when he lays his head on his tight, looking to to him. Clooney's black fur glancing in the sun light shining through the window. "Only one man can keep this dog this comfortable besides me."

Morgan crouches down in front of him, only in Jeans and his boots having lost his shirt over the morning. "You okay?" Carefully he patted Clooney too and waited for an answer but quickly realized that Spencer wasn't going to talk to him.

"Why don't you take him to the backyard or for a walk? He was bored all day long." Spencer agrees grabbing the leashe and then wrapping it around his knuckles multiple times before pressing his fingers around it. "He won't run away,the two of you always come back together."

Over the years Morgan had found out how much Clooney calms Spencer down. It wasn't untypical for Spencer to snow in and just cuddle with the dog or needing help from Morgan and he doesn't mind one bit.

What he didn't expect was his girlfriend to show up while Spencer and Clooney are out but shortly she was hanging around his neck while they stumble down the hall and pretty quickly they were enjoying themselves pretty good while Spencer comes back and plays with Clooney in the backyard. "You have a guest" Denise says out of breath, looking out of the window.

"I know." He continues and then she stops him again.

"You know?"

"Yes it's Spencer."

"Who is Spencer?"

"Let's maybe not talk about him right now?" By the time they are done, Spencer is still throwing balls while talking to the dog over anything that comes to his mind. "You can help me with the kitchen."

"Do you not want to introduce us?" She asks looking out of the doors leading to the backyard.

"He is busy."

"At your house?" Morgan starts walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, he doesn't bother anyone here does he?"

"No I am just surprised."

"If that is what surprises you about him, you should get prepared for what that man can do with his mind."

"How do you know him?"

"We work together." Morgan goes back to fixing the sink while Denise is not much of a help just sitting on the old kitchen counter talking to him until Spencer comes in, his cheeks red from the sun and Clooney panting from the heat. "There you are, let me get you two water." The man motions to Clooney to follow him while Spencer stays frozen in place. His glances shifting around the room while he still holds the leash in his hand.

"I am Denise." She hops of the counter approaching Spencer with a stretched out hand but he moves back his ears now turning red too.

"Spencer. Spencer Reid." He contains the grip on the leash not shaking her hand.

"Here comes the water bottle." Cherful Morgan approaches him and realizes what must have run down. "Spencer meet my girlfriend Denise. Denise,meet my boyfriend Spencer." He jokes and opens the water bottle for him.

"I am not- I am not his boyfriend." He stutters out and then takes a sip.

"She knows. What do you guys say we order some pizza?"

"Sound good to me." Denise tells them and Spencer agrees too and when the Pizza arrives they all sit down on the wide steps that lead into the backyard. Clooney cuddling against Spencer's leg, Denise in the middle and Morgan on the right.

"Pretty boy don't even think about giving him Pizza." Cheaply Spencer looks at Morgan and then nods before opening his cartoon.

"I think you actually have my Pizza."

"Nope I have mine."

"I have mushrooms on mine." He tells Morgan looking disgusted.

"Well I have a spinach on mine but if that doesn't bother you we can change." Spencer looks at Morgan ones than back down on his Pizza, still having the disgust but also embarrassment all over his face so Morgan gets up and crouches down infront of him. "We can pick those off, no problem. Is it okay if I touch your food?" Again disgusted Spencer shakes his head and the continues to pick the mushrooms off himself while Morgan feeds them to Clooney.

"He likes them." Laughing Spencer hands another one to Morgan. A few years back Morgan would have tried Spencer to try them too but by now he barely tries pushing his boundaries with food. He still does sometimes but food like mushrooms are a lost case. "Are you even sure he us allowed to eat those?"

"He is." Morgan cuddles the dog one last time and then gets back up. "Now good?"

"Yes." If he sees Spencer letting Clooney eat a small bite he chooses to ignore it.

Rossi made a joke once asking if Spencer is actually friends with Morgan or if he is just friends with Cooney and Morgan is the extra.

Spencer doesn't engage in the conversation they have, he is just fine being near Morgan and eating his dinner he doesn't need a conversation to feel comfortable.

"How long have you been friends?" Denise asks shortly after Spencer got into his car and left.

"He could tell you the exact days but I guess eight maybe nine or ten years."

"Do you spend a lot time together?"

"We work together so we practically spend less time without each other."

"And outside from work?"

"He normally steps by if I renovate houses or we watch a movie or something. He is more someone who needs his time alone. But he has no problem spending that alone time around my house or with Clooney."

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