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The first time Morgan has his suspicions is when he asks Spencer to come over to watch a movie together and Rossi asks him a little bit later, not knowing Spencer already has plans, if he wants to join him for dinner and Spencer cancels his appointment with Morgan for Rossi's.

"Don't make a face like that you are still his favourite." JJ teases him.

"Yeah and as his favourite I demand my Friday evening attention."

"Isn't your super model girlfriend not enough attention?"

"She is A a plastic surgeon not a super model and B is that different. I need validation from him."

"Sometimes I wonder were the Derek Morgan went before the genius stumbled through the doors."

"That Derek Morgan was another person let me tell you that."

When he opens up to Denise why he feels so dejected he is meet with little to no understanding. "Why would you need him right now? I even let your dog come up here."

"It's a Friday night you don't wanna know how many Friday nights I spend over the last years watching movies with him. Or reading to him. Or cooking together. Or doing something with the team."

"Well maybe we can change the Friday nights to our night? You are barely home anyway."

"Baby I spend all the time I am home with you. And I love every minute of it but sometimes I want to spend time with him. Make sure he is okay. Make sure he has someone to talk to. Make sure everything is going smoothly in his life."

"Well he is with your other teammate isn't he?"

"He doesn't know him like I do."

"Okay." She moves from his lap. "We can keep talking about Spencer all evening but then this is going to be a short night or we can end this topic and you can get your head out of your ass and make this a beautiful night with me."

"I am sorry. You are right."

"Try it? Is it good yet?" Rossi let's Spencer pick a noodle out of the pot.


"Perfect, walk over here and hold the sieve for me." Spencer hopes of the high stool and walks over to the sink. "Watch your fingers." Rossi has to smile at Spencer screwing his face in fear of the hot water burning him. He would never let that happen. "Now we just have to serve it and we are all done."

"I will go wash my hands."

"You washed them before we started cooking."

"But you need to wash your hands before you eat."

"But they are clean."

"They are not!" Offended Spencer looks at Rossi.

"Alright. Go. Wash them." He sometimes catches himself having to less of an understanding when it comes to things that he just needs to do a certain way or it is wrong to him.

There was a time Morgan had tried reducing the hand washing think with him and even though Spencer saw the problem and wanted to do something about it, it did not go well.

Morgan gets his time with him two weeks later, him shirtless on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table and Spencer in his lap, leaning with his body against him, his head on his shoulder and being fast asleep when Denise steps by. "What are you doing?" She hisses with a high voice and Morgan reaches up covering his ear hoping she understands that he is asleep. "Couldn't you have at least put something on?"

"Quiet it down."

"Quiet it down? Look at you!" Morgan can feel Spencer stirring in his arm. "You can't tell me that's normal." That's when Spencer opens his eyes looking at Morgan in confusion for a moment and then leaning down again.

"Do we have a case?" He mumbles.

"No, Denise is home. I just need to step outside for a moment I will be right back."

"I can go."

"No-No." He lays him down into the cushion. "Try to keep sleeping, I will be right back."

"What is wrong with you? Cuddling with him like this on the couch? You maybe just wanna start sticking each other's tongue down your throats."

"Babe-" He pulls the door shut behind them.

"Don't babe me."

"Listen you need to calm down. Nothing happened."

"Nothing happened? I saw it. Get it in your head this is not normal and if you don't cut it down I will leave you."

"Fine. Go."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, go!"

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