💖 Chapter 11 💖

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No proofread.
Ignore any mistaken seen.

Madhumati and Garima looked at the family with nervous smiles on their faces but it was reciprocated by anger.

"Hello hi bye bye....... What are you doing here? " Mami asked annoyed.

Madhumati smiled nervously at but gulped seeing the angry face of Shashi.

"We called Shyamji yesterday to ask how he was doing and he told us about Khushi being back and leaving here as Arnav's wife....... So we come to visit. " Madhumati lied making Khushi scoff because she knew she was lying and everyone turned to Shyam who smiled nervously at them.

Garima fume seeing Khushi and wanted so bad to pounce on her but held back because she knew Shashi and Payal won't spare her.

"Well we don't want to see you two so please leave. " Payal said sternly making Madhumati angry.

"Enough Payal...... We are you family and you and your father have disowned us because of that orphan. " Madhumati exclaimed in anger triggering anger amongst them and Arnav was ready to charge on her but Khushi held him back. "I don't know the black magic she has done on and Payal that you don't see anything but her....... Garima has been a faithful wife and had taken care of Payal as if she is her daughter and because of that girl you divorced her. "

The others were shocked hearing Garima was a divorced and Shashi shook his head hearing his sister especially the part about her being a faithful wife.

He scoffed and started laughing taking everyone by surprise and shock.

"Garima has never been a faithful wife but a whore." Shashi said making everyone gasped in shock. "She had an affair with a rich man years ago until his mother found out and threatened to expose her. " Shashi revealed shocking everyone including Garima who thought no one knew about her affair.

Shashi moved closer to Garima who gulped in fear and moved backwards until her back hit the pillar behind her.

"I found out from a friend who was worked for that man and happened to be there when his mother had confronted you....... I kept quiet about it because I couldn't see Payal hurt if I divorced you because she had grown attached to you. " Shashi said and Madhumati moved closer to Garima and pushed her brother away and stood in front of her fuming and held her by the arms.

"Tell me this is not true...... Tell me you didn't cheat on my brother." Madhumati cried out shaking her vigorously and Garima who had had enough pushed her hand off and yelled.

"Yes I did. " And gasps of shock resounded in the hall and Madhumati stumbled backwards nearly falling down. "Yes I cheated in your brother with a rich man...... I was tired of living in poverty and it's all her mother's fault. " Garima cried out pointing at Khushi who was shocked and confused at her accusation. "Yes your mother is responsible for me not marrying the love of my life who was your father.......... I loved him first and I was his friend first but she came in the picture and snatched him away and I took revenge by making your paternal family believe she was a gold digger and I thought they will pressure your father to leave your mother but the spell she cast on him was so strong that they eloped and left both family in shame........ My father got sick because of that but no one knows he didn't die naturally but he died because I didn't give him the right medicine and I made your mother believe she was responsible for our father's death and she lived in guilt not knowing I killed him. " Garima stopped and laughed shocking everyone. "I hit the jackpot when I married Shashi a rich shop owner but just two years after marriage he went bankrupt and your father helped him....... Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was for me?..... To see your father and Shashi becoming friends and how everyone praised them for being the perfect couple....... She was the adopted child and yet everyone loved her more than me." Garima cried out like a lunatic as the others stood stunned at her confession. "Everyone adored her and always praised her........ I was so happy when both of them died became it was their karma for betraying me....... And I wish you died too but you didn't and he brought to our house. " Garima yelled in tears pointing at Shashi. "He went against me and brought you into the family....... Each time I looked at you I saw my sister and your eyes I saw your father....... You became the life of their lives and I tried to make them hate you but I only succeeded with Madhumati and I will tell you something.......i was the one who asked the lawyer to sell your parent's property's and run away with the money making you poor. " Garima laughed out loud shocking everyone." I hate Khushi......... You and your mother are the bad omen in my life........ I wish you all the ba....... "

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