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A/N Percabeth did break up, has Jercy and mentions Pipabeth, don't read if you don't like, and as always, ENJOY! 

Percy POV:

Percy felt like he was free falling. Everyone was so jealous, before it happened. He needed a break, from life, demigod or mortal wise. "I just think I like someone else, we can still be friends''. Ah, yes 'we can still be friends' They had broken up, and there was nothing he could do about it. There was something he saw in her eyes that he knew, he couldn't convince her. He looked up at the sky, wishing Aphrodite or even Ares could fix this. But they didn't. Percy didn't like crying, especially in public, so when the train to Pasadena came, he pulled up his hood and went to the back of the car, keeping a firm grip on riptide. He was going to a mortal school, all boys, far away from home. Edgarten day, in Pasadena California. He thought he had heard of it before, so that's why he chose it over any other schools.

He fell asleep on the back of the car and when he woke up they were only a couple of minutes away. (He had started in L.A because that's where Annabeth had broken up with him.) Where he had felt so small and helpless. All these trips and all these battles, and this was the thing that broke him, a small break up. He scolded himself for being so stupid. He gathered his things and left the bus. He took his hood off, since he wasn't sure if the school had a "No hood rule"

He went to the office and the lady at the front desk welcomed him and had hime sign in. She gave him his dorm number, obviously happy that he was here a month early, apparently only one other person had signed in this early. 10 minutes and 1 wrong turn later, he was in his dorm. He set down his things and set up, the other half of the room was set up so he assumed that the "Only other person to sign in this early" was his room mate. He pulled up his hood again and started drawing. He loved doing it, though he hated doing it in front of people.

After about 30 minutes he gave up and scribbled over the paper. It was no use, he couldn't draw anything. He looked across the room and something caught his eye. It was strange really, a hill with a bunch of Monopoly pieces on there. He knew better than to invade someone's privacy though, especially since it could get him and the other person killed. After staring at the wall for a few minutes he heard the door open, feet shuffling in, and then the door closed. He glanced up at his new roommate, and his heart skipped a beat. He recognized this person. With his almost white hair and electric blue eyes, he was almost impossible to miss, if you'd seen him before. Percy tried to look down but it was too late. His room mate had seen, and recognized him. Percy felt himself start to cry; a tear ran down his cheek. First Annabeth had broken up with him, now he was roommates with his other "Love interest" oh, why did Aphrodite have to be so cruel. He felt his throat close up, and color rising to his cheeks. He put his face in his hands and groaned. His roommate, Jason, had broken up with Piper, his girlfriend about a month ago. Correction, Piper had broken up with him, a month ago. Percy just wanted to curl up into a ball and die. He could practically hear the tension in the room. Jason set down whatever he was holding and took off his shoes. Percy could feel Jason walking over to him. If his muscles hadn't been so tight he probably would have been shaking worse than a phone set on vibrate. Jason sat down on Percy's bed and put an arm around him. Percy nearly exploded; but he leaned into Jason and calmed down after a while. Percy considered his feelings of Annabeth breaking up with him. Maybe Aphrodite had given him a blessing, not a curse.

They sat there for a while in silence. Maybe 10 or 20 minutes, when Jason finally spoke. "We don't have to stay here, it's kind of boring anyways" Percy smiled, he knew it was stupid of them, but Jason was right. So that's how it happened, and a few hours later Percy was sitting in the passenger's seat of Jason's toyota, Percy just stared out the window at the scenery, it was beautiful. And for the first time since Annabeth had broken up with him, he realized he was genuinely happy.

About an hour later Percy was signing into the apartment building. He refused to let Jason pay for the first 2 weeks, and eventually he gave in. They went up to room 217, and unlocked it. There were two bed rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a small living room. It was really nice, for how much they paid.

A little while later we were watching 'Lilo and Stitch' I know, cheesy. We weren't watching it much though, mainly talking.

I got a text message from Annabeth, oh gods, Annabeth. I opened my phone (We aren't supposed to have phones, as demigods, but me and annabeth kept one) the text was a file and then underneath it Annabeth texted "OMGS I didn't mean to send that file, it's got my info in it"

I didn't know if she meant credit card number, or what, but I already knew that stuff, so why did she not want me to open the file?

Jason looked over my shoulder; my finger was hovering over the file, ready to open it. Jason didn't say anything but I knew he was watching. This could be one of the worst moments of my life if it weren't for stitch saying (In his adorably cute voice) "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind."

I opened the file. It took me, and probably Jason, a minute to process it Annabeth was kissing someone. It took me, and probably Jason a minute to process it, she was kissing Piper. I knew they were both Bi, but he didn't know...

Jason turned off the phone and grabbed my chin. He turned my head and looked me straight in the eyes.

I knew what he was doing before he did it, but I didn't pull away. Annabeth had broken up with me a month ago. Jason spoke, "She didn't deserve you", then he crashed his lips on mine.

A/N, I totally feel like Jason would have a blue 2013 Toyota Camry Hybrid. (I don't know anything about cars if you're wondering) Also I added a "The Shining" reference if anyone caught it. I know that pipabeth and Jercy aren't cannon but I totally ship them so please don't get mad, you didn't have to read the story.

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