Hunter T or D

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A/N So this is a story about the Hunters of Artemis when they were searching for the Teumessian fox. Thalia and Reyna are slowly falling in love and will eventually quit the hunters to stay together.

Thalia was tired. She had been searching with the rest of her hunters for weeks, just for some dam fox. She lay in her tent thinking up new ways to capture the fox when her mind wandered over to Reyna. The newest hunter, but perhaps the most skilled, after Thalia of course. Reyna had taken care of Jason for quite a bit of time when Thalia couldn't, so she owed Reyna. The more Thalia thought about Reyna, the more Thalia realized how beautiful she was. With long, chestnut brown hair (is that a thing. It seems like a thing) and toasted, tan ( I know it sounds weird but all of you have seen Reyna before) skin, she was beautiful. Thinking about Reyna, Thalia fell asleep.

Reyna POV

Reyna was tired. She loved being with the hunters and it was fun being free, but damn was it TIRING, trying to find the fox. So, as soon as she got inside her tent, she just slept. In her dreams, several things came up. First, she remembered some times when she was a praetor. Then the whole thing with Jason came up. Then finally, she remembered his death, and how heart broken Thalia had been when she had heard. Oh, beautiful, sarcastic Thalia. With her leather jacket that had several pins and patches for old bands, ripped jeans held together by pins, pale skin and short, choppy black hair, you'd mistake her for a trouble maker. Which she was, but she had another side that cared for those close to her. Reyna hoped to become close to her.

***Three weeks later***

Thalia POV

The hunters had finally caught the dam fox, and Thalia was going into each hunter's tent and talking with each, congratulating them on what they did. Finally came Reyna's tent. Thalia entered and sat down. They talked, laughing about some failed moments in the search. Eventually, somehow the conversation turned to Jason. They traded stories on how Jason had been stupid over the years. Thalia told Reyna about the time that Jason had tried to eat a stapler and gotten a scar. "So that's how he got that scar! I always asked him, but he refused to tell me." Reyna exclaimed. She then said " Did I ever tell you about the time, right before he got kidnapped, when he refused to let some of our younger legionnaires go on a quest to investigate some monster outbreaks near camp. He said 'They are children! Half our legion are children! Let me go instead, but not them'. It was brave of him. I think he gets his bravery from you." Thalia felt blood rush to her cheeks and shifted around a bit. Thalia wrapped up the conversation and exited the tent. She then ran back to her own tent and zipped it up. She then sat down, hard. "Why did I feel so weird when she complimented me? Do I ... like her?" Thalia thought. Thalia decided to ignore her feelings, and go to bed.

***Time skip, 6 weeks later***

Reyna POV

The hunters had just got back from another hunt, and Thalia had called Reyna to her tent. Reyna re-braided her hair and went over. "So lieutenant," Reyna asked "why did you ask me here?" "I dunno," Thalia answered "I was bored and the next thing Lady Artemis wants us to do, she doesn't want us to start till tomorrow 'Get a little break' she said" "So what do you want to do?" Reyna asked (A/N sorry, I'm terrible at writing dialogue.). "This'll probably be boring, but let's play Truth or Dare!" Thalia exclaimed. "Hmm, okay." Reyna decided. "Ok then, do you want to go first?" Thalia asked. Reyna replied "sure" "Truth or dare?" "Dare, duh!" Thalia exclaimed. "Okay, go and egg Penelope's tent". Thalia paled. Penelope was the oldest hunter, joining just 1 year after Zoë. Even though she was a hunter, she was a major shipper of things like percabeth. It was the daughter of Aphrodite side of her. Anyway, Thalia grabbed some eggs from her all you can eat buffet, and walked over to Penelope's tent. She then placed a perfect strike at the entrance. That brought Penelope outside, so the next egg hit her in the face. She wiped the egg of her eyes, and in a dangerously calm voice said "Who, why and why shouldn't I injure you badly?" "Ummm," Thalia squeaked " Thalia, Reyna sent me in a dare and if you want you could join us, I guess?". "Oh this will be fun!" Reyna heard Penelope exclaim, with an undesirable spark of joy in her voice. Thalia brought Penelope back and said "Truth or dare, Reyna?". "Truth" Said Reyna confidently. "When you weren't a hunter, did you ever have a crush on a dude other than my bro?" "Well, for like a week, I had a super tiny crush on Dakota, but it was nothing." Reyna admitted. Then she said "T or D Penelope?" "Dare," she said after a moment of pondering. "I dare you to IM Lady Artemis and say that you have a crush on ...

A/N Okie dokie I'm going to leave it there, and do part two to it in two weeks. Please R and R with some improvements I could make.See ya!

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