Games and their Consequences

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The counselors called the campers to follow them, and Carter followed them into the dark, peppered only by the light of the stars. 

As they were walking back to their campsite, Sophie began singing songs, with Keefe joining in on the chorus, their weaving a spell over everyone nearby. 

Carter felt more tired than ever as he got ready for bed that night, and by the time he got back to their shelter, he was almost ready to fall asleep then and there. The other boys were standing around the campsite talking. The girl's counselor was watching both the boys outside near their cabin and the girls laughing inside their structure.

Keefe came jogging back in his pajamas a few minutes later, and the boys streamed into their structure. It was pretty weird to be inside the structure, but also nice.

"Ok," Keefe said. "We have 15 minutes until lights out. Does anyone want to play truth or dare? Nothing against the camp rules and common sense of course, but mildly embarrassing is fine by me!" The other boys agreed, and Carter felt a stab of panic.

Percy started, "Ok, Carter, Truth or Dare?"

Carter weighed his options, then said, "Truth."

Percy smiled. "What is the most embarrassing fail you've ever had?"

Carter thought for a second. Monster fighting fails were out. 

"I guess when Sadie and I were making Coke explode with mentos. I dropped the mentos in, then stepped back. It didn't explode, so I went up to it and nudged it, that nudge was apparently enough to send a geyser of soda all over me. Ok, Magnus, Truth or Dare?"

"Me?" Magnus said in surprise. "Dare, I guess."

"Ok." Carter said, pointing to the ant crawling on Magnus's hand. "I dare you to eat that ant."

Magnus made a face of disgust, but he ate the ant nevertheless. "That was disgusting. Keefe, truth or dare?"

Keefe smiled. "UH, DUH, of course DARE!"

Magnus smiled wickedly. "I dare you to tell us how long you've had a crush on Sophie."

Keefe blushed violently. "What do you mean? I... is it really that obvious?"

Carter nodded. "Literally everyone knows, except maybe Sophie."

"Yeah," Keefe said, his expression darkening. 

"She is probably the most oblivious person ever. I've been flirting with her for five years, ever since we met, even, and she still thinks of me as her annoying friend." His face lightened, and he looked at Leo. "MY TURN! Leo, truth or dare?"

Leo immediately said, "DARE!"

Smiling mischievously, Keefe said "I dare you to sing the song that never ends over and over at the top of your lungs until the girls tell you to stop."



The song broke through the comfortable chatter in the girl's den. It was loud enough that the girls could hear it, but not so loud the whole camp would be disturbed. Still, it was annoying.


Piper said "Okay, count of three we say 'Shut up, Leo!' 1, 2, 3."


Laughing came from the boy's cabin, then cut out.

"Ugh." Alex said. "Why did he do that?"

Sophie had a sneaking suspicion. "Probably truth or dare. Keefe's crazy about it, in a bad way. Anyways, it's lights out. I'll go tell the boys, you settle down." 

Sophie walked across the campsite, then knocked on the boy's door. "Lights out, boys."

Then, she turned back and entered the girl's den again, removing her shoes and putting them on the improvised shoe rack. 

Crossing over to her sleeping spot at the other end of the room, near the second door, she sat on her open sleeping bag and dug Ella, her stuffed animal elephant with the Hawiian shirt out of her bag. Tomorrow would be a brand new day.


Annabeth woke up early to find Sophie sitting outside, already ready for hiking.

"If you want to get ready for the day, take a buddy," the counselor whispered. "We have a nature hike today, but no swimming. Normal outfits will be good."

Hazel woke up next, and Annabeth relayed the information to her and a very sleepy Piper, who stayed behind to tell the other girls when they woke up.

When Annabeth got back to the campsite, the rest of the girl's den was awake and ready. The boys still seemed to be sound asleep.

Sophie looked towards the boy's den, then said in a whisper, "It's wakeup in two minutes. When the clock hits 7:00, every girl in our Biome is going to sing 'On Top of the World' by ImagineDragons to wake any sleeping campers up. Think of it as getting Leo back for the Never-ending Song."

Annabeth smiled. It was true that she wanted revenge. And it was a fairly simple song.

"I'm in," Annabeth said, and the other girls quickly agreed. The clock ticked down, and Sophie passed around a piece of paper with the lyrics on it. Sophie began counting down on her fingers. 3... 2... 1... (A/N: Start the music now, friends!)

"... I TAKE IT IN BUT DON'T LOOK DOWN!..." They began singing suddenly, and shouts of surprise soon came from the boy's cabin. By the time they were done with the song, all of the boys were down by the bathrooms getting ready for the day.

"Good job, team." Sophie said with a smile.

Alex replied, "That was honestly a lot of fun. Can we do it again tomorrow?"

Sophie laughed at that. "Yeah, of course!"

Annabeth had a sudden feeling of home, and that made her begin to relax, and truly enjoy the moment of friendship.


Magnus reached across the table for a muffin. Around him, the rest of their grove was chattering, but he was enjoying just listening to the noise. 

The girls had started singing when it was time to wake up, and Magnus had been startled at first. The other boys had thought it was hilarious, and after a while Magnus agreed. They had dared Leo to sing that Never-ending song the night before, and the girls had got them back.

They had games that morning, after chores. Their daily chore was to clean up after breakfast, and then they were free to go about their day.

So. This chapter. I may have been a bit tired. It's always really hard to fill in timelines, so there may be some weird time gaps, but I SWEAR there is a plan.

Also, if you're confused for some reason, it's either on purpose because I love plot twists, or because I forgot something, like half a chapter (I paste it from a writing program that doesn't randomly delete chapters).

Sorry i'm a bit evil :)

Galaxy out.

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