Episode 1

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A girl was seen humming her favorite song while looking at her phone. She stopped at an intersection, reading the road's name.

'It must be close by now. Just take a left and then right. The apartment complex should be on my right...'

Keiko was going to meet her new family members today! When her father told her that he's marrying a woman he's been seeing, she was happy for him.

And when he told her that she'll gain brothers, she jumped up and down in excitement.

They aren't married yet but her future stepmother had offered her to stay with her children in an apartment complex called Sunrise Residence complex. When one offers a free place with your own room, it makes sense for you to agree to that offer right? Besides, she can get to know her stepbrothers better and it's near her school area. What's the downside of it?

On her way to the complex, she met a kid with light-salmon colored hair cycling his bike... but it seems like he's losing control of it?

"Move away onee-chan! I'm gonna crash!!!"

Keiko leaped out of the way, avoiding the boy who ended up crashing to the wall behind her. She kneeled down and helped the little boy.

"Daijoubu? Is there anywhere that you feel pain?" Keiko grabs his face, turning it around in every direction to search for any wound.

The little boy shakes his head. "Nope! I'm fine."

Keiko sighed in relief.


They looked behind them to see a man wearing a medical coat running towards them.

"Are you okay, Wataru? Are you bleeding anywhere?" He kneeled beside the Wataru.

Wataru pouted. "I'm fine Maa-kun, look! I don't feel any pain because I'm strong!" He puffed out his chest, proudly showing his courageous side.

Keiko giggled and ruffled his hair, "You are a strong boy aren't you?"

The man stood up and offered Keiko his hand. "Thank you for looking after him. I hope you aren't hurt anywhere too."

Keiko took the man's hand and he pulled her up on her feet. She shook her head.

"No no not at all. Ah! Could you help me find the Sunrise Residence complex? I'm supposed to meet someone there."

"Oh you must be our new sister then."

"Onee-chan! Onee-chan!" Wataru cheered happily.

The man smiled. "I'm Asahina Masaomi, the eldest of Asahina's sons. This is Wataru, the youngest son."

"I'm Hinata Keiko, yoroshiku onegaishimasu! I'll be in your care starting today." Keiko introduced herself with a slight bow.

"Let's walk home together, the others can't wait to meet you."

And so they did. On their way, Masaomi and Keiko chatted while Wataru cycled beside them.

Masaomi is a doctor, specifically a pediatrician. He also told about his brothers. Not everyone is staying in the complex as of right now. A brother had moved out while the other three are currently working right now.

When they arrived at the complex, he told Keiko to go first without them because he needs to accompany Wataru to store his bike.

"Oh! Your boxes had arrived earlier. They're in your room with the imouto sign. You should go up to the fifth floor and meet the others."

Keiko nodded her head. "Will do! Thank you, Masaomi-san."

She went on the lift and pushed the button with a 5 on it. When it dings, she stepped out into a small hallway. The small hallway leads to a balcony, beside it stairs leading to the common room as there are couches beneath it. She walked down the stairs.

Imouto (Brothers Conflict Fanfiction - Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now