Episode 20

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"I wonder why Louis-nii went to his room early..." Yuusuke muttered. "He's gonna miss his favourite show."

He along with Matsuomi, Kaname, Keiko and Wataru were watching television while Ukyou was preparing snacks.

"Maybe he's tired from working." Kaname suggested.

'Or maybe it's got something to do with the foreign man he met this afternoon...' Keiko thought to herself as she remembered it.

"Ah it's Fuutan!" Wataru pointed to the television where an ad is playing with Fuuto in it. He was advertising a travel service.

Yuusuke crossed his arms behind his neck, a pout visible on his face. "Ugh... I can't listen to this."

"Fuu-chan, not bad."

"Once more!" Wataru replayed the ad again.

"Hey haven't you had enough? Give me that." Yuusuke took away the remote forcibly from Wataru, his hand up in the air so Wataru couldn't reach for it.

"Ah Yukkun!" Wataru pouted. He looked towards Keiko and pointed towards Yuusuke. "Onee-chan, look at Yukkun. He's bullying me!"

"There, there." Keiko patted his head.

"Wha-? No- why do we have to look at Fuuto's face again and again? I see his face everyday in school, it's so annoying!"

"That's because Fuutan is cool!" He shoved himself so he's in Yuusuke's face. "People from my class tell me that 'It must be nice to have Fuutan as a brother!'."

Yuusuke scoffed. "That's crap."

"But this commercial is quite popular. The staff in the hospital wouldn't skip it." Masaomi said.

"Fuu-chan seems popular with older ladies too."

"There seems to be a big commotion about this." Ukyou said as he brought in a tray of teas and Japanese cookies. "The travel agency has never hired idols before."

"That is a big deal." Masaomi agreed.

"As a result, the resort used as the location of the filming is receiving a rush of reservations."

"The power of being a popular idol is really big huh? That's terrifying and amazing at the same time."

"Heeeeeeeh! Just what is so good about him? He's an annoying two-faced idol!"

Kaname chuckled upon hearing Yuusuke's statement. "The usual name-calling as always."

"Yuusuke!" Masaomi called out. "Do you think those words are something that an older brother should be saying about their younger brother?"

Yuusuke grunted before murmuring an apology.

"Ne, ne! I want to go there too!" Wataru pointed to the screen.

"Sounds good!" Kaname inched closer to Keiko and grabbed a handful of strands of her hair. "I would love to go together with just the two of us, imouto-chan."


"Ah thank you Ukyou-san." Keiko smiled at him. A pan had appeared out of nowhere in Ukyou's hand to hit Kaname's head. Ukyou nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hmm overseas to that resort? Some people might not make it... Ah! How about going to Okaa-san's private island?" Masaomi suggested.

'Private island?!? How rich are they?....'

"Ah it's been a long time since we went there!" Wataru said, jumping from his seat. He held both of Keiko's hands. "Let's go there, onee-chan!"

"During summer vacation huh?"

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