48 The Plans For The Night

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||Halloween Day||

Canada didn't want to put on his costume he'll put it on after he changed into his usual baggy clothes then left to go to class and seen some people wearing costumes others not Canada sat down Japan jump onto him so happy "Yay finally Halloween aren't you happy!" Germany came in class then sit next to Canada "you left me" Canada glared "me no care" Japan look around for the professor then he comes out with a zombie costume

"Happy Halloween you guys I don't know why you guys are in class but what I want to say is that class is over now y'all go spend your time together" the professor left and everyone started to leave Belarus went up to Canada and Germany snatch Canada to stay by him "he's staying with me" Belarus pouted "Germany have you heard of sharing is caring"

Canada sighed "I'm not some teddy bear you guys I'm a country which sounds bad in this situation" Germany chuckle "pulling you apart doesn't sound that bad" Japan gasp "Germany your not supposed to be joking about that" Germany yawn "I'm sorry Japan what were you saying" Belarus was gonna grab Canada but Germany had his hawk eyes starring at him Belarus growl "Germany stop it"

Ukraine was waiting for Belarus outside same with Kazakhstan and Russia was nowhere to be found but back what's happening in class Canada whined "can you guys stop" Japan shook her head in agreement "you guys don't fight for him... go fight somewhere else" Canada squirm in Germany's grip "stop I need my space" Belarus grab Canada away from Germany "he needs his space and we need to talk"

Germany let go "fine but I'm coming along" Belarus look at Germany in disgust but sighed and walk away outside Japan follow along with them Russia finally got there but to see Germany with them "why is he here?" Belarus walk up to Russia "he's only here for a bit never mind him Russ" Russia look away "if he's here I'm not staying" Ukraine stand in front of Russia so he doesn't leave

"Russ just never mind and stay with us" Russia look at his brothers face the light reflecting from his glasses "you should get contacts" Ukraine shook his head "yeah ok" Russia look over at Germany seeing his arm around Canada "stop acting like your a couple" Germany grab Canada and made him stand in front of him "stop being jealous Russia it doesn't look good on you" Russia lift his fist

But Belarus grab it "Russia stop" Russia look away Kazakhstan hated seeing Germany holding Canada like that it made him insecure Belarus walk up to Germany then look at Canada "so we're going to get something for breakfast want to come" Canada look up at Germany then look away "uh sure" Germany hold Canada's hand "I'm going where he goes"

Russia took one step Belarus put his arm to him to stop him "ok that's fine" Kazakhstan stare at Germany mad "I didn't agree that he's coming with us I'm with Russia on this one" Ukraine just wants to stay with Canada at all times since Germany is with him "Germany you ruin everything" Germany hold onto Canada's hand tight Canada felt the pain but didn't say anything

Germany just smiled "well we better be going then we're going to have breakfast at our dorm bye" Canada got pulled along he just look at Belarus then look away still holding Germany's hand "your hurting my hand" Germany notice his grip then loosen it "oh didn't notice" Canada was sad "Germany I want to spend the day and night with them"

Germany growl "no" as they walk up the stairs Canada almost tripping by his speed "slow down long legs" Germany open the door then slam it shut Canada hated the echo "Germany?" He said kinda scared Germany breathe in and out as his hand twitch "can you cook please?" Canada nod slowly scared if he said no so he started grabbing pans and food Germany stand by the wall watching

Canada stop for a second trying to read something on the food box then started again as he heard Germany footsteps getting close stoping behind him Canada look up at him "am I doing something wrong?" Germany didn't say anything but kiss Canada then walk away Canada taste blood he went and grab water to wash out the taste then went back to cooking breakfast

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