16 Can I Forget What You Said

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Kazakhstan awkwardly stand there "uh do you want me to talk to you later" Canada shake his head "no it's fine you can.... actually I don't wanna be in my room so can we just chill in the kitchen or living room" Kazakhstan smiled "sure whatever works best" Canada walk in the hallway and look at Belarus room door it said that he's gonna be gone for a bit Canada sighed then turn to Kazakhstan "why does your brother disappear sometimes"

Kazakhstan walk past Canada to the kitchen "I don't know why myself he just likes to go and come back when he's pleased" Canada walk to the fridge to see his food gone he didn't mind he closed it Kazakhstan look at Canada stomach "you look skinnier since the last time I seen you when have ya ate?" Canada shrugged "I don't keep track" Kazakhstan went and cook something up and started to make a conversation "so how was visiting your mom"
Canada growled "I don't wanna talk about that okey"

Kazakhstan started to look around to add in some spice into the food "ok so how was your time with Russia when you guys were hanging out" Canada blush his face turning red he awkwardly pulled out his tail out of his pants it was hurting a lot because it's been curled up what feels like forever Canada tail twitch and he blushed more he hop off the chair and left to his room he closed it and lock the door

He took off his pants and look at his tail in the mirror it hurt a lot he didn't know how to fix it his body started to feel weird like he wants something but he doesn't know what he figured maybe he was hungry so he just left his pants off but kept on his boxers he walk out and sat at the table Kazakhstan turn around already done cooking then his eyes payed more attention to his tail "I forgot you had a tail did you find out how to make it go away" Canada shake his head "nope" Kazakhstan put the food on two plates

"You didn't try anything only Japan is trying" Canada look at the food Kazakhstan move towards him "no I... don't feel hungry" Kazakhstan didn't take no as an answer so he walk to Canada and lifted him up so he can sit on his lap Canada didn't know what to do until Kazakhstan grab the spoon and put it up to Canada's mouth "open" Canada smack it away "I'm not a kid I know how to eat on my own" Kazakhstan lean on the little one

"Yeah sure you do you haven't ate in ages" Canada whined "stop leaning on me" as Canada hop off he slipped Kazakhstan grab him before he fall but quickly didn't know what to do because he was holding his waist up Canada was more freaked out of falling then what's going on Kazakhstan mind was going everywhere so he put Canada down as he walk away to go to the bathroom Canada was happy he didn't hit the ground but it was awkward

Canada tail flicked or twitch Canada blushed that feeling came back he shake it off but it seem like his tail didn't want to it kept moving around not normally it just moves slow he got up and went to his room he look at his tail it look like it wasn't doing normal movement he took off his hat to look at his ears his ears were fine it was just his tail Kazakhstan walk in his room "Canada you didn't eat" Canada look back Kazakhstan "my tail hurts"

Kazakhstan look at his tail with a questioning face "it looks normal to me" Canada shake his head "no it was curled up in my pants for a long time" Kazakhstan walk to Canada then touch it "where does it hurt?" Canada didn't really have a place where it's hurting but it felt like it was hurting somewhere "I- I- I don't know it just feels like it hurts" Kazakhstan sighed "fine I'll find it" Canada awkwardly stand there as he touch around his tail he hated it "can I sit or lay down"

Kazakhstan shrugged "I don't know maybe if your tail is hurting you shouldn't sit down you should keep your back straight" Canada shook his head "can I lay down" Canada said that as he was looking back Kazakhstan nod so Canada lay down but kept his legs off the bed and touching the floor Kazakhstan just touch his tail gently to make sure he's not hurting him until he got to the bottom of the tail Canada jump at that touch "ah" Kazakhstan stop

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