24 Counsellor

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After Canada lay on his desk and stayed there quiet thinking Germany stared at him not knowing what to do he walk away out of Canada's room going to Belarus room he look at the sign saying do not enter so he went in the living room just looking around at the place until he found a note on the couch the words were hard to read it looked like it was meant to be hard to read

He grab it and walk to Canada "theirs a random note on the couch wanna see it" Canada face still planted in the desk lift up his arm asking for it so Germany put it in the Canadians hand Canada look at it confused "it's bunch of scribbles" Germany laughed "um haha it looks like that at the start but look closer" Canada put his face at the paper then realized you need to look at it a certain angle and it will become words

He read it slowly in his mind "good luck the path you take is your choice now choose wisely" Canada was very confused he look up at Germany "um so isn't life you already have a choice" Germany look at him weird "what?" Canada sighed "the paths in life the choice you make is all in life so it's normal to make mistakes right?" Germany chuckle "what are you talking about of course you can make mistakes"

Canada shook his head "ok.." Germany look at him strange "I'm guessing it's because the note your asking this" Canada nod Germany grab the note then put it in a angle "oh mhm you got anyone in mind who would right this" Canada had a exhausted face realizing anyone could of write this but he started thinking someone spreader rumours and took his hat away and he got beat up and now his work is gone is this all connected it would be strange if it is but what if he's thinking way to much in to it

"I need to think small" Canada stand up and open his closet seen that his clothes is all together and bleach is on it he coughed at the smell and closed it Germany covered his his eyes watering at the smell "ugh hiding a dead body in there or something" Canada coughed again "n-no my clothes are covered in bleach I didn't do that what's going on" he walk out of his room leaving the window open and closed the door after Germany walk out

Canada went to the washroom and puke Germany looked away after Canada finished he washed his mouth and cleaned him self but the thing was who would do this he looked at himself in the mirror and saw his past he looked away from the mirror and thought this isn't normal school drama this is more—— "Canada! Someone wants to see you!" Canada look over at the door and open to see Germany pointing at the front door

"There at the door" Canada was paranoid looking at the door as it knocked Canada awkwardly look at Germany "who is it" Germany shrugged "they just ask for you" Canada went to the door to open it "hey Canada I'm ————— I'm your counsellor" Canada breathe in and out but he closed the door when Germany stop him and open it again "come right in I'm just going to leave you two alone" Canada glared at Germany as he walk out Canada walk to the couch and sat down annoyed

The girl look at the door with a smile "wow was that your roommate" Canada shake his head "no" then she laughed "oh I see your boyfriend I get don't worry" Canada look at her mad already tired of them "he's actually one of my helpers that you guys give me" she smiled "oh the volunteers" Canada look at her with an eyebrow up "what?" She grab a paper "they volunteer like a helper"

Canada sighed "can you guys give me someone else then him" she shake her head "no he's actually perfect for you" Canada lean in close "how so?" She dig in her bag "on his paper it talks about stuff we shouldn't bring up so let's talk about your past" Canada felt like he got shock by lightning "how about another topic" they shake their head "I'm actually one of your moms counsellor and I'm a sign to you now and she gave me papers that her and your dad talk about"

Canada felt the urge to wack those to down a bridge "um- actually I really do not want to talk about it" she look at the paper "how about World War Two what happened to you when—" "SHUT UP Shut Up Stop it PleASe" the girl look shucking Canada started to tear up shaking holding himself "LeAve pLeAsE" she grab her stuff and left on a hurry Canada started to cry he grab a pillow and put it to his face and scream his vision started to fuzz out he was scared he started hearing stuff

The door slamming open the yelling his brother crying he had to protect his brother but who was that he question himself as he saw Belarus walking to him he had no strength what was going on he fall to the floor everything went black he cursed to himself when he knew it was a flash back he saw him self in a dress and his brother was talking to his dad Canada look at the dress again he sighed "I wonder what's mom doing" he walk to the kitchen to see his mom he smiled "mom"

She look back "theirs my sweet daughter what are you doing here I'm cooking go play outside" Canada cringed at that but went outside it wasn't cold but windy he walk around the forest picking up rocks and throwing it he was bored he look around as he lean on a tree "come on brain what do you want me to remember why did you sent me here theirs nothing to remember" when it started to turn dark Canada started to walk back to his house once he got inside

He saw his dad in his war clothes and mom now he Remembers this was when his parents went to war they left in a hurry I look at my brother as he was on the couch starring at the ceiling "so what now" he look at Canada with a smug look "why are you asking me go do something else idiot" Canada forgot that he was like that back then "your no help" Canada then watch at everything turn to dust like he finished his memory but it wasn't over yet another memory appeared

It was him going to France on a war ship with his team he started freaking out it felt so real he went out the ship and puke one of his soldiers came to him "are you okey" Canada wipes his mouth "yeah just sea sickness" he got up acting normal until he realized he was a girl back then so he went in and wore a sweater he started thinking about his mom then next thing you know everything went to dust then next thing you know their in France but him and his soldiers got sent to the far part of France where they him and his mom got to see each other

His mom hold him tight then look at him "we need to organize the troops and that's what we did nothing really happen that day but the next day was harsh a lot of men needed medic so I went and help them but I remember mom lost after me and dad help her troops out of there and brought them to dads country I remember dad being very upset and later I found out my brother was fighting too sometimes when my dad isn't watching I would sail a tiny boat to France and visit her

He hid in certain places and seen his mom a bit but she always gets scared because she doesn't know what they'll do to them if they find her child Canada went out to get bread for his mom and realized it wasn't safe so he just started walking home but the person visit at their house he went to go at the back door and hid as he heard everything was getting check if it's clear then they went to his moms room that's where he seen her signing a paper then they left he look at her as she look stressed out

Canada sighed as everything turn to dusk again he then got back when he was in a plain it was a surprise for him because this was when he shot down with his brother and their pretty high in the sky so they flew straight because they looked at their wings if they turn the wings will break so they just glide over everything until a bit after they hit the ground in Hungary which that reminds him right after that Canada and America went into soviets country accidentally

Everything turn to dust and Canada woke up on his bed he then went to the washroom to puke then he heard Belarus voice he cleaned himself up then look at Belarus "what?"

((I'm sorry if I'm not fixing my mistakes that much anymore I'm just tired and post it ))

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