chapter 6

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3rd person POV

The Minamoto brothers and Y/n were awkwardly walking home. Kou finally spoke, "Y/n, do you need to come to our house? Are your parents working late again?"

Y/n nodded and looked down. This would be so awkward, going to the Minamoto's house right after almost having a fight with the eldest brother. She could go home but she also knew she needed to solve the conflict between her and Teru. Y/n wasn't the type who avoided problems that were serious. She thought it was a pain to solve them so might as well solve it as soon as possible so she wouldn't stress about it all day.

They arrived at the Minamoto's and Kou made tea for Teru and Y/n. They all sat awkwardly on the couch with their teas when Teru started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Y/n was irritated.

"I didn't think the first day I would see you again would go like this."

Y/n made an annoyed look and Teru smiled back kindly with his hand on his check, holding his face up to look at Y/n. This made Y/n even more irritated.

Kou clapped his hands together, "Okay, how do we end this peacefully?"

No one spoke for a few seconds until Y/n spoke up, "You don't have to agree with methat all spirits aren't evil, just don't get in my way if I talk to any of them in a friendly manner. Just respect my opinion and leave me alone. I'm a great exorcist too, if I see any of the ones I talk to start acting weird, I can handle it all myself. You chasing around spirits at school makes you tired anyway, just focus on the ones you're actually assigned. Kou and I will handle the ones at school so chill out."

This took a long time for Teru to reply, he didn't want to admit it but Y/n made good points. It was true that constantly looking around at the school for spirits to exorcise made him extremely tired.

Kou was happy, 'Maybe this will actually end the argument faster since Teru isn't saying anything. Usually, Teru would have immediately replied to Y/n, making it harder for them to actually end the argument.

After a few more seconds of silence, Teru nodded. "Fine, I'll let you and Kou do whatever you want at school. Just be careful, I still don't have the same opinions, but I'll let it slide."

This was almost the bare minimum answer Y/n wanted but it made her happy. Y/n smiled, "Okay, thanks."

The way Y/n said it made Teru blush. 'I barely said what she wanted to hear and she's thanking me? She's too nice.'

"Also, you don't have to say now but, tell the reason you suddenly changed your opinion. I still can't believe your strong opinion can change in a matter of only 3 years."

Y/n looked down, "..I'll tell you one day. I'm not uncomfortable with telling you, but you might freak out."

'What could possibly make Teru nii freak out so much?' Kou wanted to press Y/n for more but he didn't. 'She can tell us when she's ready.'

The rest of the day, the three of them went back to their normal selves. They played with Tiara, Y/n helped Kou cook, watched movies, and practiced exorcising with each other until Y/n had to go.

sorry if this chapter was short i originally was going to make the arguments more dramatic but lost motivation halfway

Change <title changed bc i the last one was cringe>(Minamoto Teru x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now