Chapter 2

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3rd person POV

"Have you heard? There's a new student in first year!"

"Yea I have, I heard people saying she was really pretty."

"What was her name again?"

"I think it was Y/n L/n?"

At those words, a certain blonde boy flinched. He walked over to the group of boys talking about her.

"Y/n? Did she just transfer?"

"Oh! Minamoto-kun? What's this..? You never show any interest in girls?"

At those lines, a few girls eavesdropping gasped.

Teru laughed, "haha, no. It's just weird to me since the school year is only a few months from summer break and a student suddenly decided to transfer."

"Ohh, well yea that is weird but I heard she's very pretty~!"

"Yea, I heard people saying she's mysterious too!"

The voices of the group disappeared as Teru walked away.

'Y/n is here..? Could this be a dream? What if it's not really her-'

His thoughts were interrupted by Kou's loud sprinting.

"T-TERU-NII! Did you hear?!?! A first year called Y/n L/n transferred! Do you think it's really Y/n?!?"

"I-I'm not sure. Actually, I was going to go check. Where do you think she is?"

"Hmm.. maybe in the library?"

Both Minamoto brothers speed walked to the library. There, they saw a h/c girl reading a book.
She looked peaceful but had an aura of mysterious~.

Both of the brothers quietly went up to Y/n as she looked up.

Y/n's POV

I looked up from my book and there I saw them. I saw the happiest smile on Kou's face and the warm smile of Teru. My jaw dropped, both of them were really here in front of me!

'Is this a dream?'

I wanted to hug them both, I missed the Minamoto brothers so much, I thought of both then as my own family and here they were!

"Y/n-!" Kou started shouting before Teri covered his mouth.

"Kou, we're in the library." Teru said with a sarcastic smile on his face.

I wanted to cry, Teru and Kou really haven't changed a bit! I quickly grabbed both their arms and we all ran outside.

Once we were out of the library and outside, I immediately hugged both of them.

"You both.. I missed you both so much!"

Both of them went silent and Kou started hugging me back. Both of their heads were on my shoulders.
Teru was silent and suddenly, Kou started crying.

"Sniff sniff, Y/n I missed you so much. Wahhhhhh"

I patted Kou's head, "aww Kou, you really haven't changed."

I felt Teru finally hug me back too. I pulled them both away and we all caught up with each other.

"Ehhh~ so you've become that good of an exorcist, Teru?"

Teru smirked, "haha thank you~. I hope to become even better."

There was a bit of a silence that lasted probably 2-5 seconds. It was just Teru gazing at me. I didn't know how to react so I just stared back. Next thing we know, Kou leaves.

"HUH?! Kou why're you leaving! Did you not miss me?"

Kou panicked, I was good at teasing him.

"NO! I just.. uh.. RIGHT I just remembered I have a club to attend today! We'll all talk later too!"

With that, Kou ran away. I giggled as he ran away and it left me and Teru alone.

Teru was my absolute best friend when we were little, I thought of him as my own elder brother. Since we lost contact once I went away to America, we became a bit awkward. Silence filled the air and Teru started speaking.

"This reminds me of when we first met. It was so awkward." Teru let out a small chuckle in an attempt to make the awkwardness go away.

I laughed, "yeah, it's like we've start over. Well, let's try it over again. I'll go first!"

Teru stared as I turned towards him. We were sitting on the grass, under a tree. I turned toward Teru and took out my hand, "Well, my name is Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you..?"

I waited for Teru to finish my sentence and luckily he caught on quick.

Teru shook my hand, "Teru Minamoto, nice to meet you."

Teru smiled. That smile was what I loved about Teru. It was so kind yet sometimes it looked threatening. It was beautiful.

"Nice to meet you too, Teru Minamoto." I replied back.

After that awkward introduction, we started talking to each other a bit more normally.

"Y/n, how was middle school?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I thought about how to answer when Teru just patted my head and gave a smile.

"Don't worry, I was just curious how you were doing without me. You don't have to answer."

I hesitated but then started, "at my middle school, I met some people. We became friends and it was fun. I think if you met them you would like them too!"

"Ohh? What were they like?"

"Truth to be told there were only 3 of them. One was super funny and sometimes insensitive but they were nice. One was pretty quiet but they were cool. One was really nice but when they got mad they were so scary~! But they were really funny, they were probably the one I liked the most in our group."

"Who was the one you liked most? I would love to meet them!" I noticed Teru gave off one of his threatening smiles for some reason.

"Hey, if you do meet them one day don't be mean to them."

Teru laughed. This felt so nostalgic, talking with Teru was something that made me happy.

"What about you, Teru? How was your middle school? Did you make new friends?"

"Yes, I did make new friends but we aren't really that close."

"What?! Introduce me to some! I already made some new friends here."

"Ehh, I don't think you'll like him. He's a bit annoying."

"No, just introduce me and I'll maybe introduce you to mines."

"Hmm, sure. We should go to the student council room then. He'll probably be in there and we can talk more freely without people looking." Teru gave a strained smile as I looked around.

I was shocked and whispered to Teru's ear, "woah, when did all these girls come here?"

Teru whispered back, "uhh I'll explain later. Let's just go."

Teru grabbed my hand and we ran into the student council room. He quickly shut the door as I caught my breathe. I looked around the room and saw a reddish brown haired boy.

Change <title changed bc i the last one was cringe>(Minamoto Teru x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now