Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

The sky was blue and cold. The sidewalks were almost frozen and you can see the air out Y/n's nose as she headed for home.

'Today was fun, I wonder when mommy and daddy will get home.'

Y/n walked home from school, thinking about her first day at her new school.

'I wanna tell mom all about it when she comes back'

Y/n smiled to herself, it was a bright smile which could make anyone happier seeing it. That smile faded quickly though.

'I wonder if I'll have to stay alone at home for the rest of the day like last time.'

Y/n's nose started running and she realized tears falling from her eyes.

'Mom and dad wouldn't like it if they saw me like this. How am I supposed to exorcist evil spirits if I can get weak from just being alone. I have friends at school, I don't need more attention at home. I'm fine.'

Y/n quickly wiped it all away and started continuing her journey back home.


A voice coming from a house Y/n was walking in front of was yelling at her.

"Hey you!"

Footsteps came and Y/n looked at them.

"What're you doing out here? Where's your parents?"

Y/n saw a little blonde boy with beautiful eyes. He held out his hands to Y/n, who looked at them with a confused look.

The boy let out a bright smile and Y/n decided to grab his hand. He led you inside where his parents started fussing over you.

"Oh my gosh! Who let this child out in the streets?!"

"Young lady, where's your parents?"

Y/n was swayed by the voice of the boy's sweet mother.

"They're at work, I'm walking home."

The little boy started speaking up, "Where do they work?"

Y/n thought about whether she should say for a while when the little boy's dad spoke.

"Teru, don't just ask questions like that it could be disrespectful."

Y/n panicked a bit, "Oh no! It's not disrespectful for me, they're both exorcist. Probably beating up a spirit right now, so cool~!"

Y/n beamed at the thought of her parents fighting evil spirits.

Surprisingly, the parents and the little boy's jaws were wide open.

"They're- they're exorcist? Wow, what a coincidence, we're also exorcist."

The father smiled and the little boy was left in a state of shock.

"Say, little girl, what's your name? I can look after you until your parents come home. Where do you live?"

The mom started asking such questions which made Y/n remember something her mom told her.

Change <title changed bc i the last one was cringe>(Minamoto Teru x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now