Ancient memories

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You parted your lips from his when a strange noise reached you from behind your back where the forest was. Law buried his face in your hair as you listened to the whispering rustle that called out to you so seductively.
"Do you hear this?"
Law grumbled and pleaded your lips. You gave him a couple of kisses then pulled back again. „Law - do you hear that too?"
He frowned. "What?"
"There are voices coming from the forest."
He felt your forehead. You pushed his hand away in a snap. "I'm not sick, you doctor!"
"Just wanted to be sure," he mumbled and got up. He reached out to help you. "Do you want to look?"
You weren't sure. "Should we?"
He shrugged. „I know better ways to spend my time with you, but I'm always available for a little walk."
You blushed at his words, he tucked your foremost strand of hair behind your ear before he tried to take your hand, but you hid it.
"Short break - please."
He nodded consciously. "Sure." You started moving. It was so peaceful between the trees and the exotic flora, only the branches cracked under the soles of your shoes, while you followed the call of the voices that seduced you deeper and deeper into the forest. It was so strange!
„By the way," Law began, while observing the you chasing like a sniffing dog along the way. "What did you actually see when you touched me?"
You paused walking and turned to him. "The fondest memories I ever experienced while touching someone."
He stared at you blankly. You stepped up to him and gently patted his hat. "This incredibly fine, intelligent brain is so magical that it has control over its thoughts and thus also the memories it calls up in its memory."
"This means ..."
"I know exactly what you did and it worked." You made a joyful turn and kept walking.
"Interesting." You could already hear in his voice that his head had started smoking from all of the work that it was up to. „(Y / N) -ya - have you ever thought of training your powers?"
You stopped. "How?"

Law caught up with you

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Law caught up with you. "Everyone can train their devil powers and learn to control them. Your skills don't work like mine, but still ... I can imagine that such powers are very overwhelming and since you have been in captivity for a long time, you never had the opportunity." His eyes narrowed  he smiled. "You could train when you can and when you can't use your strength. This way you could touch people again and ... "
Suddenly it fell like scales from your eyes. "LAW!"
"You can thank me later."
"No Law! Amarie! We kept touching! But ... I never saw her memories! How could I..."
"Wait, in which way did you touch?"
"I have to speak to her immediately when we return! But first ... "
Law grabbed your arm and pulled you to his chest with a jerk, so that you caught your breath for a moment. He pushed your hair back to look at you. "Sorry," he said softly, making his chest vibrate. "But I go a little crazy when I see you like that."
"Like what?" You said with panting breath. His thumb brushed your lower lip.
"So carefree. Close to me. I want more of that. " His lips literally sucked on yours and your legs almost buckled, but he held you tight. With a giggle you broke away from him and he playfully bit your neck. A new memory flashed.
"I think I saw him," you said when he released you.
"One of the few moments when I'm jealous of your abilities," he said dryly.
"It's your memory."
"I hope I don't have to explain to you how people's memories work. I can't imagine how memories overwhelm you ... "
"Wow!" You uttered when you arrived at a spring. A waterfall sprang from a rock about five meters high and ferns and bushes formed a dense frame around the small lake. The water was so crystal clear that you could see the bottom. Glowing plankton lit up the surface and the treetops opened a groundbreaking view on the moon.
"Following the voices - I should remember," joked Law.
You tapped your finger on the surface and sniffed it. "Freshwater."
"Of course she wants to go in there," Law remarked more to himself. When his eyes returned to you, you had already stripped down to your underwear. Judging by the way he looked, he liked what he saw.

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