| Epilogue |

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"This feels weird." I say as we stand outside, looking at the looming mansion in front of us.

"I suppose it does, doesn't it? Last time we were here it was with all our friends." Charles replies, voicing my thoughts.

"And now it's just us. It's just us left."

"And I'm not going anywhere." Charles promises me, assuring me that he is not going to leave me and will always be by my side.

"Neither am I."

Charles had been released from hospital earlier that day. He had undertaken multiple surgeries for his back, however the nurse told us it was too damaged, he was never going to be able to walk again. 

"So, how many students do you think you'll have here, once you get the academy up and running?" I ask trying to lighten the mood as I push his wheelchair towards to front door.

"As many as I can manage. Possibly more." He says, looking off into the distance of the garden.

I stop his wheelchair there so he can look over his property.

"You know, one day the government is gonna realise how lucky they were to have Professor X on their side." I reply, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, Yes, I suppose I am a real professor now, aren't I? Next thing you know, I'll be going bald."

"Oh please don't." I interrupt him earning a laugh before he continues his previous statement.

"We're still on the government's side, Monique. We're still G-men, just without the G." 

"No. You're your own team, now. It's better. You're...X-Men." I say, knowing he needs something to hold onto, I need something to hold onto.

"Yes. I like the sound of that." He laughs, "Monique, for us anonymity will be the first line of defence."

"I know. We can do this though, the X-Men. We can do it, together."

"I know we can." Charles replies, leaning towards me, as I do the same, our lips meeting halfway.

And in that moment I knew, no matter what happened. 

No matter how much shit we went through. 

We would never leave each others side. 

We would get through it. 


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"We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end."

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Sorry it's so short. Thank you to everyone who actually took the time to read this story, I really appreciate it. As always please feel free to give me any constructive criticism on any of my stories. 

I don't know if anyone reads this but I am publishing the short story I had to write for school If anyone is interested in reading it. I promise you it is so much better written than this story. Anyway, it will be called Alone and is set in a fantasy world and basically it is about an Elf in a human town.

Once again thank you for reading this story.

~ Alicia

Written: Thursday 13th May 2021

Not edited

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