04 | The Plan

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CHAPTER 4: The Plan


Raven's POV

Hank, Alex, Sean and I stand in silence trying to wrap our heads over what just happened. Angel and Monique joined the enemy, Darwin was killed and the CIA base is in ruins. I can't even cry, I just feel numb, staring at the spot Darwin was killed. 

I can't tear my eyes away from Darwin's remains, ashes, on the grass in the courtyard, all that remains of the mutant, in the end, he couldn't adapt to survive. 

I start moving out towards the courtyard, my head down and my eyes on the ground, blanketed by my grief for Darwin.

As I walk toward the courtyard my eyes dart to the shattered glass scattered on the ground, at least, it was scattered on the ground, now its in specific shapes, letters.

Monique! She's the only one able to do this with her power, and she left us a message. I call over the others and read out the words that the shattered glass had made.

Tomorrow Midnight my Apartment

"Sh-she had a plan all along." Hank states

At that moment CIA agents come in, obviously brought in as backup from another base, and escort us outside. We had a quick checkover done to see if we had any injuries but other than that everyone tried to stay far away from us, the mutants

After we've been sitting there in silence for about 40 minutes, Charles, Erik and Moira arrive and immediately Charles comes and hugs me and makes sure I'm alright, he then addresses all of us.

"I've made arrangement for you all to be taken home immediately."

"We're not going home." Sean says sounding certain.


"He's not going back to prison" Sean explains nodding his head in Alex's direction.

"They killed Darwin." Alex confirmes, grief evident in his voice.

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over."

"Darwin's dead, Charles. And we can't even bury him." I try, knowing that if anyone can get through to my brother it's me.

"We can avenge him." Erik butts in making us all turn to look at him.

"Erik, a word" Charles tells him leading him away from us.

they share a few words before Charles turns back to us.

"We'll have to train. All of us. Yes?"

"Yeah!" Alex says replying for all of us.

"We can't stay here. Even if they re-opened the department, it's not safe. We've got no where to go." Hank says bringing depression back into the conversation.

"Yes we do." Charles brightens up.

As Erik and Moira get us transport to take us to Charles' childhood home I walk up to Charles. 

"There's something else." I tell him "Angel and Monique left with Shaw" I notice he seemed to let out a sigh of relief when I mentioned Monique was alive. "but, Monique left us a message."

"What kind of message?" Charles questions

"In the room we were kept in, she used her powers to move the shattered glass into words."

As I say that Charles puts two fingers on his temple and uses his power to see through one of the agents eyes in that room. 

"We have to meet her there."

"I know. Do you think it's a trap?" He asks

"No. No, I believe she is still on our side and trying to get information from Shaw."

"As do I. I suspect she has a plan."

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Monique's POV

As I soon find out, the comfortable looking room we had teleported to is in Shaw's submarine. I then learn that the man who can create tornados is called Riptide and the red devil guy is Azazel.

After we had some food (because lets face it, even villains have to eat) Shaw begins to explain his plan to put missiles in Cuba.

He then gets teleported by Azazel to Moscow. Azazel comes back soon after and gets ready to teleport Angel Riptide and I there.

After he teleports us I see we are standing in a very fancy room with the army general on the phone and Shaw standing behind him. Once the general sees us teleport into the room he mutters something in Russian to the person on the phone then hangs up, looking back at Shaw who just gestures to us, warning him that we can do much more then threaten if he doesn't follow Shaw's instructions.

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"Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down."

Written: Friday 8th January 2021

Not edited

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