07 | Trust

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CHAPTER 7: Trust


I open my eyes only to close them again when I am blinded by a bright light. I open my eyes again slowly and take in my surroundings. I'm lying on my bed in my room in the mansion.

I start to sit up only to realise my hand is trapped, by another hand. I look to my left to see Charles asleep on a chair, his hand holding onto mine.


"Monique, You're awake!"

"Yea, so it seems. Uh so what happened?" I questioned, confusion visible on my face.

"I was going to ask you that. After I asked you about the possibilities of your mutation you just kind of stood there, in a trance, then you fainted."

"Oh. I-uh I had a flashback."

"To when?" Charles asks carefully not wanting to overstep.

"I uh I can't say it, it might be better if you just look." I said sitting up across from him.

He releases my hand and puts his index and middle finger on his temple.

"Are you sure?" he asks worried.

I nod, although my thoughts say the opposite.

A few seconds later I feel something in my mind, like someone searching through my memories. I bring the memory from my dream to the front of my mind so it's easier for Charles to find it.

"Monique...I am so so sorry." He says, sorrow coating his voice.

I just look down, unable to answer.

"Wha-what else did you see" I ask, wanting to know what else in my past he stumbled across.

"I saw everything from the gunshot to losing control of your powers" Charles says honestly and softly.

"I-I promise I didn't want to...to k-kill him." I stuttered, a stray tear escaping my eye.

"Shh I know, I know. I will try to help you in any way to control your gift." Charles reassures, wiping the tear off of my cheek.

"It feels more like a curse than a gift." I mutter

"I know, but when you learn to control it, and you will, it will never be a burden again."

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It was now late afternoon and Raven had caught me up on all that had happened since I left. I was most interested in her retelling of how Sean fell from a window when trying to use his mutation to make him fly.

At the moment I was standing on top off a platform at the edge of a giant satellite dish with Charles, Erik, Hank and most importantly, Sean. Because, apparently jumping off of a satellite is easier for Sean to learn how to fly than jumping out of a window.

"You truly believe I'll fly this time?" Sean asks, wearing these yellow and black 'wings' attached beneath his arms.

"Unreservedly." Charles replied immediately

"I trust you." Sean says pointing to Charles

"I'm touched."

"I don't trust him." He finishes, referring to Hank

"Say nothing." Charles states to Hank.

"I'm gonna die!" Sean frantically exclaims.

"All right. Look, we're not gonna make you do anything you don't feel comfortable with, all right?" Charles explains, trying to be the voice of reason.

I look over to my right and see Erik standing next to Sean and like me he is looking amused at the whole conversation taking place. I see him step slightly closer and uncross his arms and I grin, hiding my snicker with a cough as I realise what he's about to do.

I catch his eye and give him a slight nod still smirking like an idiot, as he sees my nod he smirks back and leans back putting his arm behind Sean.

"Here let me help." Erik suggests before pushing Sean off the platform making Sean scream as he falls and use his powers to fly.

"Erik!" Charles scolds giving Erik a look as Sean is flying around us. I finally let out the laugh I was holding in making Charles look to me.

"You were in on this?" He asks me slightly exasperated, to which I just reply with a sly grin, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? You know you were thinking the same." Erik replies to Charles still grinning.

Once Sean had landed we all climbed off the satellite and Charles went with Erik to help him with his mutation.

I went back inside the mansion and joined Raven lifting weights, telling her all about Sean's second try with flying.

"So...you and my brother?" Raven asks after we finished talking about Sean flying.

"What?!" I manage to get out after choking on the water I was previously drinking.

"Are you and Charles a thing yet or...?"

"Not." I say interrupting her "I don't know what you think but we are not a 'thing'"

"Ohh come on!" She exclaims "I was looking for you this morning and I found you asleep on your bed and Charles was asleep on the chair next to you and you both were holding hands."

"Oh it's definitely not what you think." I explain, "I had a flashback to...a bad memory and I fainted, Charles brought me to my bed and was just waiting for me to wake up to make sure I was okay."

"But that still doesn't explain the holding of hands. Plus I've seen the way he looks at you, he really likes you." Raven reveals

"I-uh..wait what? You really think so?" I say feeling a faint blush appear on my cheeks.

Does he really like me? Even with my past? No I don't think so, Raven is probably just kidding.

"I'm not kidding"

Oh, damn I thought Charles was the mind reader.

"He truly does like you, trust me, I've known him since we were kids, I've never seen him look at someone like he looks at you."

"But...really? How can you tell?" I ask suspiciously still not completely believing someone as kind, handsome and smart as Charles could like me out of all people.

"The same way I can tell that you like him back"

Well shit

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"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory."

- Dr Seuss

Written: Saturday 16 January 2021

Not edited

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