Day five

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Brian F:

I rushed to the door as soon I heard someone knock.
"Hi!! How are you?" I said as I hugged Brian. I longed for his touch. I felt tears of joy roll down my cheeks.
"I'm feeling better, just a bit tired. I missed you too." Brian replied as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

We sat on the couch and talked about his visit to the hospital.
"It's good to see you back." I took Brian's hands and rubbed my thumbs over them.
"I need to say something."
"Go on." He nodded.
"I thought a lot about you these past few days. About us. I reminisced on our friendship. I've always loved you, but my feelings slowly shifted from friendly to romantic over the years. I'm in love with you Brian, but I can still be your friend if that's what you want. I'm not expecting anything from you, just please don't let this ruin our friendship. If I can't be your lover let me be your friend. I'm sorry to bother you with this right now maybe it wasn't the right time. I don't know if I should've told you all that anymore."
"I'm glad you did. I've been dreaming about this. And if you're wondering why I never said anything it's because I didn't want to do something that could've spoiled our relationship. I knew you weren't in love with me right from the start and I didn't want to scare you away with my feelings. I was so instantly attracted by you that it would've been crazy to confess my love when I barely even knew you. And you were so clueless. Never wondering why I would constantly ask you to kiss me, never questioning my filthy jokes about us... I was becoming hopeless that you'll ever love me back. Brian you're the love of my life."

He left me speechless. I was shocked, but extremely pleased. Brian waited for me all these years. I would've never thought someone would ever love me that much to be so patient.

We stared in each other's eyes as we leaned in to press our lips together. Brian licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, letting our tongues passionately intertwine as I climbed on top of him. My hands were around his neck and his on my hips. I was lost in his touch, thinking to myself that this is all I've ever wanted.

"I love to be able to call you my boyfriend" Brian said as we parted.
"Love of my life sounded better" I replied giggling before kissing him again.

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