Day two

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Brian F:

I woke up around 12pm to the sound of Brian's voice.
"Heyyy. It's time to wake up. I ordered some food. Come" He said softly while rubbing my back.
I knew I had no reason to be pissed. I don't know what I expected from him yesterday but obviously the feeling wasn't mutual. I just decided to forget about it. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt Brian lifting me up.
"Hmm what are you doing?" I whined.
"Since you don't seem to want to move I'm gonna take you to the living room myself."
He carried me like a baby and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You're going to break your back!"
"You're pretty heavy for a skinny legend but it's fine" He laughed.
Brian carefully laid me down on the couch.

"Oh my god! Chipotle! I love it!"
"Yeah I know. Am I not the perfect roommate?"
"Hum we'll see about that at the end of your stay..."

After we finished eating, we spent the afternoon recording 2 podcasts.

"Ugh I'm exhausted!" I sighed leaning back on the couch.
"Yeah talking to you for hours is really tiring" Brian ironically responded.
"You know that's not what I meant..."

It was a hot evening so we decided to eat outside on the balcony. I made myself a drink, and a few others. I started to get a little turnt. Brian and I were talking about how our lives were affected by the pandemic and how much we missed fully enjoying our careers. He got up and leaned against the balcony to smoke while I kept on explaining how bad everything was. I joined him and placed my hands around him on the barrier.
"But you make all of this so much easier. Thanks for staying there with me." I said as I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder. I don't know if it was the alcohol but I wanted some physical intimacy.
He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"No problem. I love being with you babe." Brian replied before leaving a kiss on my temple. It sent shivers down my spine. "Babe". I loved hearing that from him. It made me smile uncontrollably.

I collapsed on the bed, still drunk, not having any kind of energy to take my clothes off.
"Help meeeee" I begged.
"You're such a baby. What would you do without me huh?" Brian laughed as he took my jeans and my shirt off. Feeling his hands all over my body was making me really horny. I quickly hid myself under the covers before he could notice my growing boner.
"You don't want to put on a tee?" Brian asked.
"No no it's okay I'm hot anyway..."
"Yeah you're hot." He said and winked at me, which made me blush.

Brian joined me in bed.
"Come here." He opened his arms as to invite me to cuddle. It was unexpected, but I wasn't complaining. I laid on my side next to him, my head on his torso and my hand on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and softly rubbed my back. It felt so good. His warmth and his touch were making me forget about everything else. I kissed his chest and whispered: "Good night babe"
"Good night baby"
He pressed his lips against my forehead and I drifted off to sleep my heart filled with bliss, smiling against Brian's chest.

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