Chapter 10

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Announcer: let the preliminaries begin!

Right as he said that I kicked someone out of the ring I dodged someone that tried to do that to be and then jumped up and kicked him in the head sending him out of the ring I kept dodging and punching along with a few kicks.

Small time skip.

I got a good few out as I heard.

Announcer: amazing the child fighter Tsuki has taken out over 10 people so far.

I didn't think I did that but oh well just the I heard.

Della: that's my big brother!

Sol: go Tsuki!

I felt a small bit of heat go to my cheeks as I noticed that there was only a few more left so I took this chance and grabbed a orange haired kid by the hoodie and threw him out of the ring as I do this I heard.

Announcer: all fighters stop fighting we have our 8 players please come in to the hut to find out who you shall be fighting.

Small time skip.

After a bit we walked in to the hut we lined up to a hat to draw out who we would face against I looked after I pulled out a name.

Tsuki: who's Cain?

I asked the room of of fighters til the old man from before said.

Cain: that would be me it seems that not only did I help you earlier but it seems like we will be fighting first don't hold it against me if I hurt you ehehehe.

Tsuki: I'd be mad if you didn't go all out hell I know your pretty strong but still I'd like to know if I can make it through this.

I then heard from behind me.

???: hey kid.

I looked behind me to see this guy.

???: you did a pretty good job out there kid have you ever thought about joining the holy knights?

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???: you did a pretty good job out there kid have you ever thought about joining the holy knights?

Tsuki: um I never really considered doing that out of curiosity are you a holy knight?

???: *excited* yep names howzer your names tsuki right?

Tsuki: yeah but what do the holy knights do I know they protect the kingdom but there has to be more.

Howzer: well yes the holy knights train apprentice holy knights that and they also govern small areas around the kingdom like villages or around traveling roads usually there Towers and a small house on the other side of the road for them.

Now that I thought about it I do remember seeing one or two things like that on the way here.

Tsuki: is there a certain age you have to be to become a holy knight?

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