Part 10

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-Suicidal thoughts

-Suicidal ideology

-Self harm

-Attempted Suicide

-Self harm urges

Please don't read this story if you find those things may affect you negatively, my only intentions are to share my story and I would hate for anyone to be triggered by something I wrote.


"Adrien, I am Hawkmoth."
"I'm here kitty."
"I'm not sure I can do this."
"Just hold on. You can resist this."
"I don't know if I'm strong enough."
"You are kitty. Please stay strong. I can't imagine having to fight you."
"Help me"
Ladybug carefully slid through Adriens bathroom window. "Christ how does he even fit through this?" She asked herself while she wiggled around trying to fit her body through. Adrien seemed in such a state on the phone that she was nervous as to what she would find when she opened the bathroom door. Ladybug took a deep breath before sliding open the door. She gasped.

There he was. Knelt on the floor. Hands over his ears, muttering something incoherent. "Adrien!" She called out to him as she ran to his side. "M... M'Lady?" He asked, not opening his eyes. "Im here Kitty. Don't worry Kitten, I'm here to help. All you've got to do is resist this." Ladybugs hands shook as she pulled Adrien in tighter, she wasn't letting him go."I'm not sure I can do this." Ladybug tightened her grip around him. "Just hold on. You can resist this. I promise you can. Please stay strong, for me. I... I don't think I can fight you." She was desperate, tears brimming in her eyes. Her mind flooding back to the nightmares of Chat Blanc. Ladybug, in all her power and glory, was unsure if she would be able to do that again. It broke her into a thousand pieces everytime she thought about what happened then, how much pain he must have been in, how lonely and lost he must have felt. It killed her. A small tear rolled down Adrien's cheek, "Save me." His body was shivering slightly in Ladybugs arms. "Adrien you will obey me. You don't have a choice in this." Adrien shook his head violently against Ladybugs chest. "No." he replied. "No? No? You think you get a say in this? Your even dumber than I thought." Hawkmoth laughter filled Adriens head. "What's happening? Adrien?" Ladybugs panicked voice flooded in over the laughter. "He...hes trying to get me to give in." Ladybugs heart sank. She knew it was almost impossible for someone to resist an akuma yet she still clung onto the hope that he was strong enough to rest. "Do you know where the akuma is? Maybe if I break the object I can help you." She asked looking around. Adrien lifted his hand and fiddled with his ring. "Of course!" She thought to herself. She carefully pulled the ring off his finger before dropping it on the floor and standing on it. An akuma came fluttering out of the ring. "No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to deevilise!"

Adrien sat on the floor of his room. "ADRIEN!" Ladybug exclaimed as she ran over and engulfed him in a hug. "M... M'Lady?" He turned and looked at her. Before he could say anything else his lips were covered by hers. "Your ok! Oh thank god your ok!" Ladybug cried as she pulled Adrien in tighter. "Can't. Breath." He managed to squeak out. "Oop sorry!" She replied as she let go if him slightly. Relief flooded her body. "Wanna get out of here for a bit?" she whispered in his ear and scooped him up in her arms.

Ladybug landed on the top of the Eiffel Tower and carefully set Adrien down. She detransformed and they sat down next to each other. "How are you feeling?" She asked, laying her head on his shoulder. "Pretty exhausted to be honest." he lightly stroked Marinettes cheek, "I didn't realize being akumatized was so exhausting." She looked at him sympathetically, "Do you want to talk about it?" He just shook his head. "I'd really like if you'd kiss me?" He replied with a cheeky smile. "You dumb cat." Mari replied but still pulled him in.

The couple sat atop the Eiffel Tower for a few more hours till it started getting dark. "I better head back. Thanks for coming and saving me M'Lady." He said as he stood up and held out his hand to help her. "Do you need a carry back?" She asked taking his hand. "No I think I'll be ok." He gave her a quick peck on her lips and transformed. As Chat Noir disappeared into the darkening night sky, Marinette sat back down. She wasn't quite ready to head back yet. She had had a pretty shit day at school without Adrien and she was feeling the urge. She dreaded the thought of putting her family, her friends, herself through that again yet she couldn't help herself zipping home and heading towards her drawer.

Her hands trembled as she searched her drawer for anything sharp enough. After her attempt her parents took away anything that could be used to hurt herself again. "Fuck sake!" She cursed and pulled at her hair. She shook her head trying to dismiss the urge. "go away go away GO AWAY!" She cried. "Marinette honey is everything alright?" She heard her Mére calling from downstairs. "Just say yes. She doesn't want to know, she doesn't care about you or your problems so don't bother her." the voice in the back of her head spoke." no." She said barely above a whisper, as the word left her mouth she began to break down. Sabine came rushing up the stairs and pulled her daughter into a hug." what's wrong sweetheart?" She placed a light kiss on the top of Marinettes head. "I got the urge again. I'm sorry. Im sorry I'm such a problem but I just can't stop. It's so hard Mama." Marinette sobbed into Sabines shoulder. "Oh sweetheart." She lightly rubbed Marinettes back, trying to help soothe her daughter.

They sat on the floor for a while, till there legs were numb. "Let's get you off to bed." Sabine said and helped Marinette stand up. The made there way to her bed and Marinette lay down. "I've got to finish some stuff up in the bakery but I'll come back up and check on you in a bit, ok?" Sabine asked, Marinette just nodded and pulled her duvet over herself.

Sabine finished up in the bakery, kissed Tom goodnight and went upstairs to check on Marinette. Just as she expected, Marinette was tucked up in her bed and fast asleep. Carefully, Sabine pulled back the covers and slid next to Marinette. She lay in the dark, drawing circles on Marinettes back. Sabine let out a muffled cry, she hated seeing her daughter go through this. From the moment Marinette was born, Sabine felt although she had to protect her daughter, shield her from all dangers and keep her safe and she couldn't do that. She remembered crying to Tom in the hospital, wondering what she had done wrong. She pulled Marinette in to her chest and clutched her daughters sleeping body as she had done when Marinette was only a baby. It was crazy how quickly time went by, how quickly her innocence, happy little girl became the girl she held in her arms now. She buried her face in Marinettes blue locks and fell asleep to the subtle noise of Marinettes breathing.

Heyy, sorry for being a week later with this part. I could try make up some excuses about how busy I've been but tbh I'm just lazy and the first part of this was quite difficult to do so yea sorry it's over a week late ✌️

Anyhow! I hope you like the little dialogue bit I did at the start. I've never done that before so it's just something I wanted to see if I liked and if you liked it??

I think that all I have to say, but until next time

Bug out 🐞

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