Part 4

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-Suicidal thoughts

-Suicidal ideology

-Self harm

Please don't read this story if you find those things may affect you negatively, my only intentions are to share my story and I would hate for anyone to be triggered by something I wrote.


Later that night:

Marinette was sat at her desk working on some homework when she hears a small knock on her trap door to the balcony. She checked the time on her phone, 11:48pm. "Strange" she thought to herself, maybe she was just hearing things? Despite that she still climbed up the ladder and opened the trap door to her balcony. She poked her head out just enough to see Chat Noir sitting on the deck chair. "Uh Kitty, what are you doing?" She asked pulling herself out the door. Chats head turned and he gave Marinette a weak smile, "Hey Mari." And he got up to help her out." What's the matter Chat?" She asked worriedly, "Nothing serious Mari'Lady, I'm just a bit lonely tonight. Can I stay here for a bit?" Chat asked sheepishly. "Of course, we've got some pastries we can snack on and we can watch a movie or something. How about that?" Marinette replied and started to head back to the hatch. Chat followed but allowed Marinette some time to get off her bed seeming as it would be inappropriate for him to be on her bed. After Marinette reached the floor, chat started to descend onto her bed. He stopped for a moment and scanned the room. This was Ladybugs room. Ladybug had always been a mystery to him and she never shared personal information. Yet here he was stood on her bed. He had been here a few times as Adrien but never as Chat Noir. A flurry of butterflies danced in his stomach and he quickly climbed down from her bed. "I'll just go grab the pastries, I'll be right back. Feel free to get comfy on the chaise and grab a blanket out that box over there." Marinette pointed at a basket overflowing with blankets and headed downstairs. Chat grabbed a fluffy grey blanket and a soft red one off the pile and brought them over to the chaise. He sat waiting patiently and his ears pricked up at the sound of the door hatch opening. Marinette emerged with a plate of pastries and two mugs of something. She almost made it up incident free but that's just not Marinette's luck. She tripped on the last step up to her room, Chat Noir sprang into action and dived to grab the plate before it smashed. Luckily only two pastries hit the floor and the rest were saved by Chat, "Wow, that was impressive!" Marinette said as she set the cups down on her desk. "It's the cat like reflexes." He said back with a grin. Chat placed the pastries on her desk and noticed the flowers in a vase. "Glad to see you liked my gift Purrrinces." He said plucking one out and spinning Marinette to give her the rose. Her face flushed a deep red and she covered her face with her hands, "Yes I did but you should really warn me before you leave big bouquets of roses on my desk at school. Do you know how many questions my friend Alya asked? She could run the police interrogation easy peasy!" Marinette rolled her eyes and giggled. Yes, Chat did know how many questions Alya had asked as he happened to be there and could hear every word of their convocation but she didn't need to know, plus it would reveal his identity and he respected her boundaries and didn't want to make her feel pressured or uncomfortable. Marinette took the rose and put it back in the vase. "Come on Kitty, lets watch a movie. Do you have any you like or want to watch?" Chat thought for a moment, "Tangled." He said. "Tangled?" Marinette questioned "Ok yea a Disney classic. I'll just grab my laptop and change into my shorts then we can get started." She climbed up and grabbed laptop off her bed. She passed it to Chat and grabbed the pair of pink shorts off the floor before disappearing around the room divider to change. Marinette came back in her shorts, Chat felt his face get hot. The shorts were tight around her hips and Chat looked away his face a bright red. Even from under his mask Marinette could still see the blush covering her partners cheeks. She walked over and popped down next to him on the chaise, then wrapped the blanket round her legs. Chat's face became less flushed and they settled down to watch the movie. As the final credits rolled out Chat looked over at Marinette, the room was dark and the only light came from the computer screen but her face was somewhat visible. She shut her laptop and stood up from the chaise but noticed something stopping her. "Chat what are you doing?" she asked looking at his hand wrapped around her wrist. "We need to talk Mari. You can't just tell me you self-harmed and then continue on with your life like nothing happened." Chat scolded her and Marinette pulled away. "What is there to talk about Chat? I was having a bad day and let myself get out of hand that's all. There's nothing wrong. Just drop it ok?! She said not looking at him. Tikki floated down from Marinette's bed, "You know that's not true Mari, Chat don't believe her." Tikki exclaimed. "Tikki shut up!" Marinette exclaimed. "No Mari. Tikki what do you have to say, you know Mari best after all." Chat asked. "No no no, if anyone should explain it really should be me." Marinette sighed and sat back in the chaise, Chat sat himself down next to her and Tikki sat on Mari's solder ready to offer support. Marinette took a deep breath, "Where do I even start? Uhm I guess with the day I got my miraculous." Marinette explained all about her first day as ladybug and how unworthy she felt, she explained about Chloe and Lila and there relentless bullying, she told him everything that had happened over the past two years then all that was left was the last few days. Chat grabbed Marinette's hand, "Take your time." He said. Marinette felt the tears welling up in her eyes, "I...I'm sorry Chat but I cant." She said and the tears started to flow. Chat wrapped his arms around Marinette, Tikki snuggled into the crook of Marinette's neck. "I should go. You need to get some rest Purrincess." Chat Noir said letting go of Marinette. He climbed up to her bed and she followed. Chat opened the hatch and was just about to climb out when he felt Marinette grab his tail. She pulled him back and looked down sheepishly, "What is it Mari, is something wrong?" He asked concerned. "Could.... Could you stay just a little longer? I know you probably have school tomorrow so I understand if..." Marinette asked but Chat spoke up interrupting her "Of course. I'll go sleep on the chaise." He said turning to get down off her bed but Marinette stopped him, "Kitty you don't need to go down there, you can just lay next to me." Marinette saw Chat stiffen at the suggestion "Or you can just go on the chaise that's fine." She stammered. She watched as Chat crawled back up to the head of the bed and wiggled under the blankets. He lay there rigidly for a while and noticed Marinette had drifted off, he pulled out his staff and noticed it was 3:17am. Adrien was in no rush to get back to the prison he called home and decided to lay there a little longer. Five minutes later he felt his eyes getting heavy and finally caved. He woke up and checked the time 6:53am. "Shit!" Adrien cursed to himself. He planted a light kiss on Marinette's cheek and slipped out the hatch. As he slid through his own bathroom window, he checked the time, 7:01am, a new record. "Plagg claws in!" He said and crawled into his bed. As his head hit the pillow, he heard Natalie knock on the door, "Adrien, its time to get up. I'll have the chef make your breakfast. Be in the dining room in 10 minutes please." And she left. Adrien reluctantly got up and ran himself through the shower and got dressed for the day. He chucked Plagg a slice of camembert and headed down to the dining room for his breakfast. "I take it father isn't joining me this morning." He said as he sat down in his seat. "Unfortunately not I'm afraid. He's very busy working on the new pieces for the photo shoot this weekend." Natalie said not looking up from her tablet. Adrien sighed and ate his breakfast in silence. "I'm heading to school early. See you after school." Adrien called out. He doubted anyone cared that he was gone but he could always just pretend his father cared. Gorilla pulled out the gates of the Agreste estate and started the drive to Francoise Dupont High School. They pulled up and Adrien got out the car. He headed up the stairs and walked into the classroom. He was half and hour early and expected the classroom to be empty yet when he walked in Marinette sat at her desk doodling in her sketch book. She looked up startled at the noise of the door. "Ah! Oh, Adrien sorry I got a bit of a fright there." She giggled and looked at the floor sheepishly. "Haha no its ok. What are you doing here so early?" He asked, she had been fast asleep when he, Chat Noir, had left. "Oh, uh a kitty woke me up." She said. It wasn't a complete lie, when Chat noir left this morning, she had woken up at the sound of the hatch closing and couldn't get back to sleep. "Oh that reminds me, thank you for driving, me home yesterday." And she reached into her bag and pulled out a box of cookies. They were thick, chocolate chip ones with the Dupain-Cheng logo stamped in the middle. Adrien's mouth watered at the sight of the delicious goods and greedily grabbed one before shoving it in his mouth. "Sorry I just don't get many sweet treats. My father doesn't want me gaining weight." Adrien said. Marinette giggled and handed him the box. Adrien gratefully accepted the goodies and sat down at his desk to let Marinette continue her drawing. Slowly the rest of the class started to arrive and then eventually the teacher ready to start the lesson. The rest of the day went by quick and Alya and Nino said goodbye to their friends and walked off holding hands. "Wanna ride?" Adrien asked and turned to face Marinette. "Uh yea thanks." Marinette responded and they walked towards the car. Adrien held open the door and they both climbed in. "To the Dupain-Cheng bakery please." He asked the Gorilla. "I hope this isn't just so you can get more cookies." Marinette giggled, "Darn you've figured me out." Adrien joked. The two shared jokes for the rest of the ride back to the bakery. "Thank you again for the ride, even if it was just for more cookies. See you tomorrow Adrien." Marinette said as she walked into the bakery. Adrien chuckled, he would be seeing her tomorrow but Chat Noir however was a different story.


Heyy! Thank you all for being so patient with me. I've had loads of school work to do and this part is a long one(1900 words long) so it took a while to write. But all that aside I hope you enjoyed this part. I cant promise ill be able to do weekly updates but I will try to keep updating as frequently as possible.

All that said thank you for reading and I'll see you all soon

Bug out!🐞

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