Part 8

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-Suicidal thoughts

-Suicidal ideology

-Self harm

-Attempted Suicide

Please don't read this story if you find those things may affect you negatively, my only intentions are to share my story and I would hate for anyone to be triggered by something I wrote.

A few days later; Marinette is out of hospital and Adrien has been sneaking out to see her every night.

Marinette's head rest gently on Adriens shoulder as he pulled his phone out to check the time. It was just after 2am and Adrien needed to head back home soon. He tried to lay Marinette down without waking her but he failed. Marinette began to stur and wake up. She sat up and pouted, "Is it time for you to go now?" She said her brows nitting together knowing exactly what the answer was. "Unfortunately princess. We've got a super busy day tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep." Adrien said and gave Marinette a small kiss. That is something he knew he would never get tired off. "Adrien, I think tomorrow we should tell everyone. If were going to be with everyone I want to be able to tell them." Marinette said, "But I mean you don't have or anything. If you don't want to im fine with that but I just thought maybe it might be nice to." Adriens lips decended onto Marinettes silencing her, "I'd love to tell everyone. I'd shout it from the rooftops if I could but I think my father would kill me if I did that." Adrien laughed as he pulled away from the kiss. Marinette simpily smiled and gave him a quick hug before letting him transform and climb out her balcony. With a goodnight kiss, Chat Noir ran off into the night and Marinette retired to her bed.

Next day:

"AHHH I SWEAR I PUT IT ON THE CHAISE LAST NIGHT! CLOTHES DON'T JUST DISSAPEAR!" Marinette shouted into the air as she ran around her room looking for the top she was currently holding in her hands, Adrien was coming to pick her up in 30 minutes and she couldn't find her shirt anywhere. "Marinette its in your hands silly!" Tikki exclaimed trying to hold back her laughter. Marinette just sighed at herself and finished getting ready. As she stumbled down the stairs her phone chimed in her pocket. A text from Adrien popped up on her screen, "Im outside xxxxxxx" Marinette caught herself smiling at her phone and quickly shoved it back in her pocket before running downstairs and out the door. Adrien was stood waiting holding her door open for her and her heart swelled. She loved him so much there wasn't a word big enough to describe it. The flirted the whole drive to Luka and Julekas boat house and once they got out they stopped and got out the car. They were the last of the group to arrive and as theuy sat down on the sofas Alya nudged Marinettes arm and whispered in her ear, "So you drove here with Adrien?" She said adding emphasis on the last word. Marinette laughed to herself, if only Alya knew. The group, which consisted of Marinette, Adrien,Alya,Nino,Luka,Kagami, Marc, Nathaniel, Rose and Juleka all settled down to watch a movie. Rose and Juleka took the armchair in the corner with Rose cuddled up on Julekas chest, Marc and Nathaniel sat at the tabkle so they could draw and wtrite, Alya and Nino snuggled up next to eachother on one side of the sofa and Adrien held his arms open and beckoned to Marinette to come join him. She slowly walked forward and sat down next to him before reclining back into his shoulder. It's something she did almost every night in the privacy of her bedroom but it felt strange to be being so intimate in public like this. She loved Adrien, no doubt about it but considering they hadn't really told their friends yet it still felt a little strange. Despite that Marinette sat down next to Adrien and leaned into his shoulder like they had done the night previous. As the theme tune started Alya looked over and noticed Marinette and Adrien all snuggled up on the sofa. She lightly nudged Nino and nodded her head towards the couple. "What's going on there?" She whispered into Ninos ear. Nino simply shrugged, "You mean Adrien hasn't said ANYTHING?" She whispered loudly. They all continued to watch the movie cuddled up with their respective partners. The end credits rolled out and Alya got up and sat staring at Marinette and Adrien. Marinette noticed Alyas piercing gaze and tapped Adriens arm and pointed to the rest of the room, who's eyes we're all glued on them. "Uhhhh hi guys." Adrien said sitting up and rubbing the back of his neck. "Is there something you guys need to tell us?" Alya asked with an eye brow raise. Marinette looked at Adrien and he just nodded. "We're dating..." Marinette said sheepishly. Alya practically leapt out her chair in excitement, "OMG MARINETTE I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She shouted wrapping her arms around her friend.
After the news sank in they all sat on the floor in a circle and chatted away. Alya was desperate to know how long they had been dating, and neither Marinette or Adrien could answer. Technically he asked her when she was in hospital so they went with that. "I can't believe you guys have been dating for that long and you didn't tell me!" Alya lightly slapped Marinettes arm. "So how did your parents react?" Luka asked. "We acctualy haven't told anyone yet. You guys are actualy the first people we've told." Adrien replied, to be honest Adrien was rather apprehensive to tell his father because he wasn't too sure how he would react. Marinette noticed Adriens eyes flickering down to his hands where he was picking at the skin around his nails. Marinette gently pulled his hand away and set it on her thigh. Adrien blushed furiously and the whole group looked at him. "I'm actually a little nervous to tell my father because I don't know how he'd react." Adrien said. It was sad to say that his father might not support his relationship but considering his father bearly talks to him he could never be to sure. "Dude not to be a dick or something but your fathers a bit of an ass so you shouldn't worry about what he thinks. If you like Marinette then his opinion doesn't matter." Nino said as he slapped Adrien on the shoulder.
What Nino had said weighed on Adriens mind for the rest of that week. His fathers opinion didn't matter. He loved Marinette and nothing his father could say or do could change that.

The next day at the Agreste estate:

Adrien stood outside his fathers office door, hand ready to knock. "Deep breaths Agreste. You'll be fine" Plagg whispered from Adriens jacket. Adrien was beyond terrified to talk to his father. "Come in." Gabriel said. Adrien walked in slowly and shut the door behind himself. "Good afternoon Adrien. What can I do for you?" Gabriel asked and continued to work on his tablet. "Uhh I um." Adrien started. "Head up when your talking Adrien." Gabriel barked and interrupted Adriens thought process all together. "Sorry. But yea so as I was saying I have something to tell you." Adriens back straightened up and he looked towards his father, "How long is this going to take? I have a meeting with Vogue magazine in five minutes." Gabriel asked. "Oh sorry but I just thought you should know I have a new girlfriend." He looked towards his father "Ok Adrien just rip the bandaid straight off then" He cursed himself. "I'm glad to see you finally got your feelings for Miss Kagami in line. This will certainly make her mother happy and improve our public relations. I will have Natalie schedule a couples photoshoot for over the weekend for you." Gabriel said as he picked up the phone. "No no no no! Kagami isn't my girlfriend, Marinette is." Adrien said launching forward to stop his father scheduling that photoshoot. "Miss Dupain-Cheng? Your girlfriend?" Gabriel put the phone down slowly and stared at Adrien. "Uh yes?" Adrien replied. "I can't let that happen Adrien." Gabriel said as he returned to this tablet. "WHAT? WHY?" Adrien shouted. "That is enough young man. You do not use that tone with me." Gabriel replied sternly. Adrien felt like he was about to punch something. He grinded his teeth together to stop himself saying or doing something he'd regret, "Why not father. Marinette is so wonderful and she's an aspiring fashion designer so you'd get along wonderfully I'm sure." Adrien said. "She's just using you Adrien. Think about it, she is and aspiring fashion designer. You are the son of the most famous fashion designer in all of Paris and a model in the fashion industry. If the paparazzi saw you together her name would become well known as would her work. Then the big brands start picking her up because they know her relationship with the Agreste name. She gets popular and successful in the industry and that's when she leaves you. I'm not allowing my son to drag the Agreste name through that." Adrien could feel this blood boiling. Marinette didn't love him just for his status. Marinette loved him for him. "Do I have permission to leave?" Adrien asked through gritted teeth. "Yes." Gabriel replied and went back to his work.

"AAARRRRHHHH!" Adrien shouted as he shoved all the stuff off this desk. He was pissed.  He wanted to cry. "I HATE YOU!" He screamed as he ripped the posters off his walls. "FUCK YOU!" He yelled as he pushed all his trophies off their shelves. "GO TO HELL!" He yelled as he pulled the books down. "I LOVE HER!" He cried as he slid to the floor, tears rolling down his face. His room was a mess. His hands were all cut and bleeding and Adrien still felt like shit. He slowly got up and made his way to the bathroom to tidy himself up when he heard his phone ring. "Hey Mari." He answered the phone. "Hey Adrien, I just missed your voice." She replied. Adrien smiled, "Is this you asking me to come round Purrinces?" She giggled "yea." and Adrien couldn't help but feel the butterflies in his stomach fluttering around. "I'll be there in five minutes ok? I love you." An the line went dead.
Hey. Firstly I need to apologize for not posting last week. I'm bombarded with school work and I have some stuff going on so I haven't had much time to write as of recently. I absolutely adore writing and it's something I'm passionate about however, these parts are starting to average 1000-2000 words per part and that's a lot to keep up on a weekly basis so I might have to start switching to one upload every two weeks instead. I'm really sorry if this upsets anyone but I physically can't keep pumping out 2000 words every week on top of my personal life.
On a slightly happier note this part is finally out. Its probably not the best thing ever but it's still ok. Also I HATE Gabriel so I have zero remorse for making him this much of an ass✌️ I hope everyone enjoyed this part and I'll hopefully see you all in two weeks!
Bug out 🐞

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