Part 5

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-Suicidal thoughts

-Suicidal ideology

-Self harm

-Attempted Suicide

Please don't read this story if you find those things may affect you negatively, my only intentions are to share my story and I would hate for anyone to be triggered by something I wrote.


Later that Night:

It was around 8:40pm and Marinette was out on her balcony clearing her head when she noticed Chat Noir running across the rooftops. She looked over at Tikki, "What's Chat Noir doing out so late? Its freezing outside, does he have no sense of self-preservation?" Tikki just shot Marinette an approving look. She knew Marinette wanted to go check on him. "Tiki spots on!" She yelled and zipped over to join Chat Noir in running across the city. They both landed atop the Eiffel Tower and sat down, "What are you doing out so late Kitty?" Ladybug asked. "Same could be said for you LB? but since you asked I'm just trying to clear my head. My father was annoyed with me so I just wanted to get out the house." Chat Noir sighed, "Do you want to talk about it?" Ladybug asked "As long as its not to personal and could give me a hint as to your identity of course." Chat just placed his head on Ladybugs shoulder. "I'm good but thanks LB. It really means a lot especially with whatever you have going on." He sighed and stared out to the night sky. Ladybug just sat and rubbed his back, Chat felt his tears starting to well up in his eyes. His mother used to rub his back like that whenever he was sad or feeling down. He quickly wiped away the tears and stood up. "Thank you M'Lady. I better be off now but thank you for coming to talk to me, it means a lot." He smiled and held out his hand to help her up. Ladybug wrapped her arms around Chat Noirs shoulders and whispered in his ear, "Your welcome Kitty. I love you." She said as zipped away. Chat made his way home and detransformed before collapsing in his bed. Marinette arrived back to the bakery and sat on the floor of her room. She was tired. She lay back and stared at the ceiling. Was tonight the night. She had come to peace with the world. She had told her parents she loved them. She had hugged Alya and Nino extra tight. She had given Tikki and extra macaroon today. She told Chat how she felt. She felt contempt. She quietly tip toed down to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and opened it. There was a few standard pain killers and allergy medicines in there. She grabbed them all. Marinette took them all up to her bedroom and emptied the bottles into her hand. She opened her mouth and chucked them all down her throat. She rested her head against the chaise and closed her eyes. Goodbye.

"Marinette. Marinette. Marinette!" Sabine let out a blood curdling scream as she shook her daughters shoulders. "Tom! Call an ambulance." 

Alya sat in shock and cried. Nino held Alya's hand as she cried. Tom stared at the blank walls. Sabine was sat in a ball on the chair. Adrien felt sick. How could this happen? She seemed better last night. Oh god. Why didn't he do anything. He should have stayed with her longer. He could have stopped her. He ran over to the nearest trash can and vomited. He paced the halls for what felt like hours. This was all his fault. He ran to the bathroom and Plagg flew out his jacket. "Adrien this wasn't your fault. Calm down." He said. "You... you don't understand Plagg. It is my fault, I should have stayed with her longer. I should have asked her if she was ok. I should have done SOMETHING!" He cried out and vomited again. He made his way back out to the wating area and sat next to Alya and Nino. Alya looked over at him, her eyes red and puffy. "Adrien what happened." She knew it wasn't a question he could answer but she needed to ask. "Alya I'm so sorry." Adrien managed to say between sobs. Alya pulled him into a hug. The friends sat and cried for a while. After some time they went to talk to Tom and Sabine. Tom was very distant and barely looked up. Sabine was a wreck. She just kept tearing up whenever she spoke. Adrien felt terrible. That's when it hit him. Tikki. 

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